Friday, October 31, 2003

Just had a BRILLIANT thought! Can Ragan make us some WDAS Fan Club T-Shirts????????????????
Funtimes last night. The All Stars rocked! Jake did the Little Black Dress song, which was awesome, again. Whit, Robert & I went to Varsity for a bite to eat then hung out on the couch to cheer on the boys. All in all, a great time. A big hello to my rock star friend, Robert!

I'm off to spend some time with my Kindergarten kiddos this morning, then to the library at school to work on a massive paper :( Then probably to the gym and I'm still undecided on tonight's festivities. Boland is tempting... but so is getting a movie and staying in. Not sure yet. I'm still up for suggestions.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Good afternoon everyone! Wow, what a day. I spoke to a group of 50 pastors today at lunch. Fun Fun. It went really well. Got some $$ raised for the center and several invitations to speak in their churches in Jan/Feb. I pride myself on being the chameleon I am. I can blend in pretty much anywhere and be comfortable (most of the time.)

Anyway, got Ellis Paul's Translucent Soul in the CD player and may have to take it out soon. I think it's making me wanna be all sentimental and teary eyed. But it's great :) I'm planning on going out to hear him next Thurs. if it's still on at the Blue Door.

AND I think I will be showing my unwavering support for the Wormy Dog All Stars tonight, at least for a little bit :) Is Jake gonna be there? Somebody tell him to sing the Little Black Dress song again. It makes me wanna run on stage and hug him :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Whoo this has been a busy week! Momma needs some good lovin! Don't check back for details cuz you won't get em. :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Soooo much going on today. Hit the ground running this morning with a conference call at 9a.m. and haven't stopped since. My big projects right now are getting PSA's (Public Service Announcements), a commercial, and a full length video produced for the center. Wow, major productions. This is going to be fun :) And of course there are always school projects nipping at my heels! I'm a busy girl! Have my first appointment tonight with Josh, my personal trainer. Any of you who know me know that the outlook is not too bright for my relationship with my new personal trainer, Josh. Haha. Maybe I'll think of something interesting and contraversial to blog tonight. Who knows!

Monday, October 27, 2003

K, just really quick- Ballard Designs has the $3,000 Dining set and $2,000 rug I will be buying upon the purchase of the hundred and fifty year old plantation home my millionaire husband and I will be buying. Unfortunately, it's not on the web. (But they still have lots of other cool things on the site.) The table is 3 1/2' x 9' and is "distressed white." (That means it looks antique and for $3,000 they did a damn good job.) The chairs are also this color with deep red pin striped cotton-duck fabric. They have the set shown in a dining room with a fifteen foot ceiling with these gorgeous deep red, very simple, vertically hung drapes.

Aaaah. Some day my dear, some day.
To quote Charlie Brown's school teacher, "Wah wah wah wah-wah wah."

Friday, October 24, 2003

I've been addicted to Ellis Paul lately. My favorites are "Don't Breathe," "Did Galileo Pray," and "I Won't Cry Over You." Oh, and "Sweet Mistakes." That song rocks.

Anyway, on my way to see my Kindergarten kiddos this morning I made a mental list of things I want to do in the future with someone I love:

1) Have a picinic in the park in the neighborhood at NW 30th and Western.

2) Lay on a blanket on the ground at night at Lake Hefner.

3) Have drinks at night on the patio at Bellini's.

4) Drive through the historic neighborhoods and pick out the house we would most want to live in.

5) Take the day off work for a play day together on the first snow.

There are millions of other things but those are the only realistic ones for now:)

Don't know what I'm doing tonight... we'll see what fate has in store.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Ok, all this discussion has me in a crazy mood. Also, I'm throwing a personal shower for a friend tonight at my house. I'm taking off early to get everything ready and I've gotta go buy her a really raunchy gift :) No use in wasting money on pretty and frilly things, I know how she is...

Anyway, inquiring minds wanna know... what is the kinkiest thing you've ever done with a significant other? (Don't need intimate details, just the main idea... also, feel free to comment anonymously.)

(P.S. Mom and dad if you are reading this, I'm sorry!)

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

It's funny how Whitney and I are on the same page most of the time. We've been having an interesting conversation via email today :) And it inspired me to bring on my Carrie Bradshaw persona, but I checked her blog and she beat me to it :) Pretty weird how we're 2 peas in a pod, huh.

Anyway, to address the subject at hand, why is it that we feel bad for having expectations? Expectations can be good, and can be bad. Healthy standards in the way of how one functions in relationships is always good. Physical and monetary standards although important for some people, are not always good, but in the same breath, are not always bad.

However, Whitney and I have both come upon a predicament in the bedroom department of our relationships. And before any of the guys run screaming from the computer, it has nothing to do with the size of anything (well, almost nothing.) It's just that there are some people who possess certain physical anomalies that are hard to... let's say... work with. And if the bedroom area of your relationship is important, which to most people it probably is, is it fair to write off someone who treats you perfectly, otherwise? (Mind you, this is not something can can be corrected without major surgery.) Can a relationship work (long-term) without physical satisfaction?? That is the question of the day. I will leave you all to determine your own answers. Anyone who knows me well, knows my answer.

Ponder away.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Check out Tucker Tom's new website! He loves you and he wants to help! Heal the world! Make it a better place!
Wooo Hooo! Funtimes at lunch. I have a new BBQ boyfriend! He's covered head to toe in tattoos and is just as cute as can be. For some reason tattoo's are doing it for me right now :) I'll definitely be making BBQ a regular part of my week for the time being!
Hola Compadres! Where is Ragan? Anyway, I read Ryin'sblog this morning about the remake of Sixteen Candles. There gonna call it Thirty-two Candles. That is HILARIOUS! I hope they're not actually trying to make a box office smash out of this thing, because I can tell you already that it's going to be a colossal flop. But it might be slightly entertaining... especially if they recreate the scene with the exercise bike, the big girl and Long Duk Dong. HAHA.

Anyway, looking at Kevin's work in progress made me want BBQ for lunch. So in about 30 minutes I'm outta here!

Peace out to all my homie G's.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Oh my gosh. This is hilarious. This link is especially for Ragan. I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna pee in my pants!!! (Click on the first link about Tourette's syndrome.)
Wow, I'm just bursting with things to blog about today! First off, let me say that I'm going to take Friday night starting about 11:00 p.m. and forget the evening ever happened. We'll just leave it at that.

However, I went to the senior choreography show at OCU earlier that evening. I've already told Whitney this story but I'll share with the rest of you. I had tears in my eyes for half of the performance. Both the 6 p.m. and the 9 p.m. shows were sold out. So I got there at 10 til 6 and barely got a seat. Anyway, in an auditorium of about 2,000 people, all the seniors were sitting in the front section and every time the lights went down for the next piece they would go nuts screaming and shouting for their fellow senior choreographers and for the dancers who were performing the pieces. It was amazing to see sometimes twenty or twenty-five dancers on the stage performing a piece perfectly and having the audience compeletly intune with the performance. It's so cool to me to know that some of these people that I've done piddly little projects with in classes like Western Lit will go to Broadway someday and actually make it. I feel the same way when I go to Composer Concerts for the music school. You feel like you're being seranaded by a movie soundtrack with pretty much a full orchestra on the stage. And one of my friends composed the whole thing. It humbles me. So does the fact that one of my great English Lit compadres was nominated last month to be a Rhodes Scholar. Unbelievable. I'm in the midst of such great intellect and talent. I have so much hope for the future of the OCU class of '04.

Also, I stumbled on Limp Bizkit's re-make of Pete Townshend's "Behind Blue Eyes" this weekend. Fabulous. Fred did a great job and the video's a great new interpretation of the song. Originally The Who wrote and performed the song during the Vietnam era. The music of that time has always intrigued me. Consequently, I learned it on the guitar and dad showed me a cool new pattern that sounded hard, but really took no time at all to pick up. I'm excited about this whole guitar thing.

Ok, last thing, if you haven't seen it already, rent The Life of David Gale. Fabulous movie! Two thumbs up! Normally I can figure movies out from the very beginning, but this one had me guessing til pretty close to the end.

Anyway, that's all for now :) Maybe I'll be back!

Saturday, October 18, 2003

It's just not the same when your ex-boyfriend shows up.

Enough said.

Friday, October 17, 2003

Well well well. Looks like the gang's gonna be out in full force tonight (minus Ragan and Melisa, which makes me sad because without Ragan, who's going to laugh at me when I've had too much?)

Anyway, the air is weird today. Tonight should be interesting... I can feel it. I'm sleepy so I may try to get a few winks in before going out tonight! See everybody tonight at the Bricktown Dog!

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Well hello boys and girls. Guess what? I learned a new song on the guitar tonight. I played Good Thing for Dad one time and then he taught me how to play it. He's just good like that. I feel official now that I know an entire song that actually sounds like a song :) Before long I'll be going pro. Watch out!

Also, he hooked me up with a sweet deal to make a quick $500 on a guitar he's letting me sell online. Heck yeah!

Also, gotta give a shout out to my girl Jackie in Tulsa for the sweet email she sent me today. Love you chick!
Waiting on the couple I'm counseling tonight to get here... Just thinking...the question is not Will Ragan Eat it Friday? Because we all know he will at least eat it. The question is will Ragan give it a 10 out of 10! Odds are, probably not because they only pick the most disgusting, pre-packaged, processed, so-called foods for him to try out. But good luck anyway Ray!
Hola compadres! Just another boring day in the life of Ashly. Nothing much going on. Just the usual school and counseling appointments. HOWEVER, I'm excited because I'm going to go hang out at my dad's tonight and he's going to teach me a new song on my guitar. I figured out last night that I can actually play a couple of Faith Hill songs. And when I say play, I mean I know the chords. So now my repertoire consists of 3 songs, all with the same chords, G, C, D, Em, & B7. Go me! I'm getting better.

Anyway, it sounds like a good time was had by all last night. Hmmm... it's funny, but I distinctly remember Whitney saying, "I AM NOT going to the Wormy Dog until Friday night." I guess Kevin was right, it is a vortex. Sorry I missed the party, but academia calls. Someday when I get my degrees and have opened my private practice I can sit around and get drunk with you guys :)

Anyway, just wanna say hola to mini me who is stuck in her room in College Station today with the flu (or something like it.) And also a big hello to Ryin, who I found out yesterday, did the Nichole Nordeman site. That rocks!! I'm a huge fan.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll be back latah.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

This is my little sister :) I miss her very much (she's at Texas A&M.) Also, if you guys get bored... you've got to go to this site and read these bizarre stories. These poor people!!!!
One more thing... Dustin, your book will be in the mail tomorrow :) Finally, some good reading material!
I'm sure everyone's tired of checking my site today and seeing that I still haven't blogged today.

"Blogged." What a funny word. That's got to be in the new dictionary that contains all the new slang. It cracks me up that there is a dictionary now that will actually tell you the meaning of the sentence, "Those are some mad phat kicks, yo." And that sentence looks even funnier punctuated correctly. Oh well. I'm an English major. It's my curse.

Anyway, this morning started out baaaaad. I didn't have much hope for the rest of the day either. Tucker woke me up at 4 a.m. Don't know what his problem was. He decided he was going to play on the keyboard and mouse at all costs. So I couldn't go back to sleep with all the clicky sounds. Then he went into one of his crazy cat episodes for about two hours where he runs about a thousand miles an hour all over the house knocking things over and making as much noise as possible. I was two seconds away from letting him play outside with the worm & flea infested cats from downstairs. (That's another story and I' ll tell it to you someday. It's really gross.) But nevertheless, my unconditional love for my kitty prevailed and he settled down about 6:30a.m. Anyway, I realized half way to school that I didn't have my glasses on. This is a BAD thing. Ashly cannot see without glasses or contacts. So I squinted my way (unsuccessfully) through British Lit, then went back home for my glasses and off to work. Unfortunately, I got a flat tire on the way to work. Of all the luck! So I went to Big O b/c it was close. DON'T GO THERE, GO TO HIBDONS. Big O charges $10 to fix a flat. What a freakin rip off.

Anyway, that was my morning. But fortunately you can rest easy, the rest of my day has gone well so far. A couple of friends popped in just to visit at work. And everything seems to be going well. The weather is beautiful and I have a great Death and Dying class tonight. (I'm not morbid, I promise.)

Also, as an end note, if you haven't watched The Pianist with Adrien Brody yet, take off work early today and rent it. It is a heart-wrenching story of the struggle of a Jewish man to survive WWII in Warsaw, Poland. It will change your life, or at least give you a greater appreciation for the humanity in all of us.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

My borrowed thought for the day, from Dr. Clinton McLemore in his book Toxic Relationships & How to Change Them:

"Moving away from people is often a form of moving against them. Isolation, therefore, is not simply a matter of deciding to be alone or lead a private life; it can amount to making war on humanity. Such war is sometimes overt, as in the case of the Victimizer, and sometimes covert, as in the case of the Avoider. But overt or covert, it is war nonetheless, and it is damaging to everyone. We should, as much as possible, move toward people."

Something to ponder.
I think there maybe something up w/my site... at home it's great, at work I can't get to some of the pages. So I'll work on it tonight--not to worry. And I'll get the link to more pictures up.

Today's been very uneventful so far- thank goodness! May stay in tonight, eat whatever's in the fridge, rent a movie and hang out on the couch. Oh the joys of being single!

Monday, October 13, 2003

Ok, Whitney and I need need a name for our new girl band! We're gonna hit the road for the big time once we get the hang of this guitar playing thing down. And no, we are not going to be the G Strings, the Push Ups or the Underwires :) But what do you think??

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Got some work done. Going to bed. I miss Dani. A&M is too far away. Don't have any pictures of her online right now, but I'll try to find some later.

Hope tomorrow is a good day.
What a weekend! I've got pictures up from the All Stars Saturday night. That was a great time even though Whitney, Melissa and me hung out on the sleepy couch all night. Today is a good day to recoop and get ready for the week. Ugh. Oh well, so far I don't have anything majorly pressing to do this week. Just the choreography show Friday night at OCU, then off to No Justice at the WD immediately following.

On a more emotional note, today is one of those days. It's a culmination of not enough sleep and hormones. Therefore I've had Bleu Edmondson's(or Matt Powell's) "Good Thing" on repeat all day. I feel like I've definitely been there... may be there now. Trying to work it all out in my head. Not quite sure where to go at this point... or maybe I do and just don't have the courage to do it. Anyway, let's just hope that some chocolate and a nap will help.

I'm going out to dinner with Dana to discuss the wedding no doubt. Maybe I'll start a game to see how many times she says the words "wedding" or "mike" in the time span of an hour. I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Oh my gosh. I'm not sure my mind is clear enough to say anything intelligent at this point. I slept til 1:30 p.m. today. I haven't done that since my freshman year at OBU. Last night was awesome. I had never heard the Bleu Edmondson band before and they rocked! So far, they and Texas Jack are my favorites at the Wormy Dog. These are the guys that not too long from now, we'll be able to say "I knew them when..." I was very impressed with Toby, the lead guitar player. He kicked butt and I told him so.

Anyway, I've got some work to get done today and I also have to watch OU beat the crap out of Texas. Then it's off to the WD again tonight for the All Stars- should be a good time.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Hopefully the new look for the web page will be at least semi-permanent, only minor changes :) Anyway, that was my project for the night-- that and laundry.

I saw the saddest thing at the laundromat. At 11:15 p.m. a very stressed looking, blond haired young woman came in. I'd say she was in her late twenties. She had with her in tow about 300 pounds of laundry, I'm not kidding, it was in 6 huge, oversized trashbags, a fifth grade girl, what looked to be an 18 month old little girl, and a two month old little boy, asleep in his car seat. The fifth grader put a harness and leash on the little 18 month old and tied her to a folding table. They all stood quietly for the next 15 minutes watching the 2 month old sleep while mom dragged in the rest of the mountain of laundry. I just kept thinking... that little girl has to be at school at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning. How is she going to make it through the day after staying up all night? Instantly it hit me. In my life, I have been about 5 seconds away from being that woman-- lugging tons of laundry and three small kids around at midnight after I got off work. No telling who's at home-- or if there's anyone at home. Somehow around the end of the year 2000 my life took a turn, a good turn. I don't think I asked for it either. Somehow it just did. And I'm thankful. And my heart goes out to all the young, single moms washing their clothes in laundromats at midnight with their children.
Hey everybody. You can edit my link to It's easier to remember than the whole stuff :)

I soooo love Will Ragan Eat It Fridays! Ok, I've gotten my entertainment fix for the day. Those things are hilarious. Really Ragan, you should take these things to Leno or Letterman. I think you could win great fame and fortune with your Friday adventures.

Check out Whitney's blog. She's getting all syruppy and sentimental on me :) But what a great writer! She thinks her talent lies solely in art, but she is a very talented writer. Someday when I want to really embarrass her, I'll post a poem that she wrote in the 7th grade called, "Hope and the Roses on my Window Sill." It's very good. She is the one who actually got me into poetry. So Whitney darling, when I get my first publishing contract, we'll go out and I'll buy you a massively expensive shot of Tequilla to thank you for your contribution to my life.

I need more laughs today. So if anybody knows anything funny, post it or send it to me. It's just one of those days. Maybe it's the weather...

But here's a joke to leave you with...

Why do doctors slap babies on the butt when they're born?

To knock the penises off the smart ones.

Gotta love it :)

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I just got home from my wonderful and exciting Death and Dying class. That class rocks. We had a great discussion about the afterlife and near death experiences. I got to have a cool conversation with my friend, Lauren, about her belief system. She was raised Lutheran, I have no idea why though. Her mother is a devout Baptist, daughter of missionairies, and her father is Agnostic. Recently, she has decided she doesn't know what she believes anymore. I looked at her and said, "That's awesome. That's a great place to be in." She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Ashly, what in the world are you talking about." I said, "Lauren, I was a Southern Baptist preacher's daughter for 21 years of my life. About three and a half years ago, I took everything I thought I believed and threw it right out the window." Her face lit up. I said, "There comes a time when you have to figure it out for yourself and not just what you've been spoon-fed all your life. You can take back pieces of it that you've found to be true in your life and throw out the rest." It was cool to see the look on her face. She goes, "You mean you figured it out and you know what you believe now?" I said, "Heck yeah. And you will too, soon enough. You'll figure it out." For some reason this gave her great relief. I love seeing people who are in a crisis of beleif in their lives. It's so great to watch them figure it out. It gives me hope that I'm not living in a world filled with mindless idiots :)
Comment on your opinion about the CA recall and the election on my Opinions page!
Ten Things I Hate About Today:

1. Having an overloaded schedule.
2. The fact that people all over the world hate our country and Arnold Schwarzenegger is the perfect example of why.
3. Having a migraine.
4. Having no time to get lunch today.
5. People in my life who say they care but don't act like it.
6. People who get huffy with me on the phone when I say they can't get an appointment til tomorrow.
7. The nasty, disgusting, smelly guy who sat next to me in class this morning.
8. Having homework to get done before 6 p.m. tonight.
9. Having to hide Dana's body if she calls me one more time today about the stupid wedding or the bridesmaid's dresses.

And last but not least...
10. I hate being stressed out and in a bad mood!!

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

I'm so glad everyone has time to ponder the big questions over lunch :) Meanwhile, I scarf down my salad and half of a bacon-turkey bravo from Panera with one hand on the phone with DHS and one hand holding a baby of a client who has to calm her other two year old down. ;)~ Such is my life.

Anyway, I just finished Kari's ultrasound. And I've seen it before but it still astounds me. A tiny little head, with tiny little eyes and ears, arms flailing around and fingers extending to wave hello! And to think this little person's only been in existence for 14 weeks. Very cool. It blows my mind every time.
What a day, what a day. Work has been kinda crazy... One of my clients called me earlier and said her ex-boyfriend has called DHS on her for the fourth time today saying she's put bruises on her daughter and is threatening to commit suicide. I happen to know that none of this is the truth. We also have to keep in mind that the first time I saw her she had a busted lip and a black eye from him-- and he was in jail. Since then, she's had a VPO on him and he's conitnued to leave messages on her answering machine saying he's going to kill her and he's also slashed her tires about 3 times. That's 3 new sets of tires-- that's not cheap when you're 18 and trying to raise a little girl. So she called today to see if she could use me for a reference for DHS and I said absolutely.

Anyway, so that's what I do on a daily basis :) However, I do have something happy going on today. One of my good friends (who, consequently, is married to one of my ex-boyfriends) is coming in to let me do an ultrasound on her :) She is 14 weeks pregnant and hasn't seen the baby yet, so this will be exciting!

Then it's off to hear Mrs. Helen Thomas speak tonight at OCU. This will be great, I know it! She is known as the "first lady" of the White House Press Corps. Hillary Clinton talks about her extensively in her new autobiography. So that's always exciting!

Hope everyone elses day is going well!

Monday, October 06, 2003

Hope everybody likes the new look. It's cleaner-- easier to read. Plus I got tired of all the flowers :) Anyway, don't forget to post comments on the Opinions page!
Ok, I've stared a Hot Topic Forum. Today's subject is "cheating." I know you guys need a break from the monotony of the work day, so click on in and comment. I want to know what you think!
Ok, all is well. I figured out I put a different email address into the ofoto account. So now I have lots of crazy pictures :)

I trust everyone else has seen them, if not, Kevin has them up on

Cox is making me mad. This is not a good way to start my day! I need my email from whitney this morning to access the pictures she took at WD on Saturday night and I can't get to it on my computer at work. How low rent is that?? Hence, I will wait on Whitney Ann to resend the link. UNLESS any of you reading this have it... then send it to Thanx :)

I'm struggling to keep my eyes open this morning. Friday night I went to sleep at 5 a.m., Saturday 3:30 a.m., Sunday 12:00 a.m. Not good when you have a 9 a.m. British Lit class on Monday morning!

Anyway, I still had an awesome time this weekend. It was good to see all my old friends and some new ones too. Also, (this is a note for Ragan) I started thinking about this yesterday, and if I get a publishing contract and have control over my cover design-- you're my man for sure. How handy dandy is that :)

This weekend was great--helped me gain perspective on some things in my life... however, I will remain vague and ambiguous about the details to avoid humiliation! However, these things are similar to the experience Whitney had Saturday night with her drunk dailing incident. Oh well. We all have them.

Anyway, I'm at work by myself today-- my partner in crime is at a doctor's appt in El Reno so I guess I'm flyin solo!

Everybody have a great day!

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Ok, it's 3 a.m. on Sunday morning. Just got in from a night celebrating my birthday :) Ooooh that was fun! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures because I didn't realize that my batteries were dead from last night. :(

Many thanks to Jen and Whit for gettin their party on with me tonight. Check Whitney's site for pics of tonight. She got alot of good ones. Anyways, also thanks to Ragan and Kevin for hangin out with me past closing time at the WD. That's the stuff memories are made of and I promise to include you guys in my next book. :)

Anywho, so I'm 24 now. I'm still not sure what I think about that. I'll give it a few days and let ya know.

Rock on.

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Rock ON!!! My best friend, Jackie, who lives in Tulsa just called me from Norman. She is at the in-law's celebrating her husband, Steven's, birthday which is tomorrow. Sooooo... while he's playing golf with dad, she's coming to the northside to hang out with me!!! This is just what I needed to make my day!!!

I love great friends :)
Hola Chicos y Chicas! Como estas? Yes, I took 12 hours of Spanish in college. That's about the extent of my knowledge except for, "Donde es el bano?" (where is the bathroom?) I'm kidding, I know a little more than that, but not much. Anyway, I figured out how to get my pictures to work on the web finally... I guess because I only have limited space w/ cox, I was over my limit so they wouldn't work. So from now on, til I get a better idea, I'll be linking my pics directly to my most recent pictures :) Got some good ones last night, I might add. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that tonights may be better :)~ (Birthday pictures can get interesting sometimes.)

Well, I'm not feeling like a top ten list right now. Probably because I don't have a top ten anything. I love everything all the time. I guess you could say I'm a girl of excess. (but not in everything)

Ok, now I'm rambling so I'm gonna go have lunch then go shop for some new black boots and a new DVD player :)

See everybody tonight for Seth James at the bricktown dog!

Friday, October 03, 2003

Ok, I'm with Whitney on the whole Phil from 96.9 thing. I mean they haven't updated their pictures in like a thousand years. And I know that picture of us was cute! If it wasn't for Phil we'd probably have boys all over the city looking up our phone numbers!!! What a waste.

Anyway, my mimi rocks. She just sent me a check for $150, a new courderoy khaki blazer and a new (awesome) pair of Enzo Angiolini's (shoes). She kicks butt! So I'm blowin this popsicle stand and I'm off to the mall. Hope everyone else's day is going well!
Good morning good morning good morning! Today officially marks the beginning of my birthday weekend. Woo Hoooo! Well, maybe it started yesterday with my party at work :)

Anywho, got lots to do today in the way of little piddley things... post office, swing by the office, maybe the body shop to get an estimate for the dent one of my professors put in my car, mall to spend birthday money, out to eat with mom... all in all, sounds like a good day, eh? (Look at me, I'm Canadian :)

Anyway, Whitney stopped by last night to drop off some invites she made for a personal shower I'm hostessing for a friend :) They were so cute! It was a pair of panties and a bra with all the party info on it, tied together with ribbons. She is a creative genius and I love her for it.

Well, I guess it would probably be a good idea for me to hit the shower and start my day... George Devore is at the WD tonight... may stop by later for a listen.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Freakin WOW! What a day! I started out this morning by gettin a new 'do. Looks pretty good I might add. Little shorter, few more layers. In a couple of weeks, I'm gonna do shorter, flippy layers in the back with dark brown and red highlights. Watch out- I'm steppin out! I'm sure you guys care about my hair.

Anyway, glad my girl Whit is back in town and the big yellow party barge is back on the road. So I guess we're going to the WD Friday and Saturday! Wooo Hoooo party all weekend. It feels good to be 24!

Anyway, I spent the second half of my day making a new website I'm going to be using at work. It's going to be linked to our main page. The new site is
Ryan Faith
. Check it out if you want. Pretty cool stuff.

Anyway, I've got a counseling appointment here so I guess I better get to it!

Be back later taters!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Just one question-- Where is Whitney?? Has anyone heard from her? I may have lost her to Colorado last weekend... girl is not answering her email.

Anyway, I'm a little under the weather today. I guess it's going around. I was laying in bed last night thinking, where in the world could I have gotten this cold? Then I walked into class this morning with four of my lovely friends coughing and sneezing away. Many thanks to the Dean for packing the senior English majors into a teeny tiny room together for a semester. Now we share everything.

Ok, I have one more thing to gripe about. Does anybody have a close friend that they feel takes advantage of them? I have a friend like this. I love him to death, but lately it's like I keep getting phone calls saying, "Hey, can you do this for me?" or "I really need your help with..." Being the nice person I am, I comply--even though I'm already stacked with things to do for my job and school. (I'm a sucker for people who need help.) Anyway, I got a call like that yesterday afternoon. So I agree to help. Later that evening I get a phone call saying he's going to the movies with one of his friends while I'm hooking him up with some free labor. This REALLY irks me.

I suppose from now on, I'm going to have to make it clear that my plate is full as it is, and I will only take on extra things for those who appreciate it and compensate me for it in some way. Friendship has to be reciprocal. So far, this one hasn't been. Guess it's time to work on that.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to
list. Should be interesting. I love hearing how other people's minds work when they get sentimental.