Friday, April 28, 2006

Wow. This is post number 1534. Pretty cool. Got some cutie patooties up at the office today. So I went out to grab lunch for us and was happily thanked with a, "Wow!! This is the greatest Wacky Pack EVER!" I'm a great social worker. I get an A. :)

Hopefully I'll be outta here in a couple of hours and off to Stilly for Calf Fry. I don't care if it rains and we hafta move the party inside. I get to get drunk with the love of my life and my best girl from California!! It's gonna be a good night.

Tomorrow it's back to TX for Odell Days and to meet the parents **SHRIEK**. At least my favorite future sister in law will be there to cushion the blow. I mean, they hafta love me right? Who doesn't?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Being in the first romantic throes of a relationship has to be just about the best thing in the world. We're three months shy of a year and still haven't lost it. I think that's pretty good. At the very last minute we decided to meet in Lawton for the night. It's all about the compromise. :) One of the things I love the most about our relationship is that we are both so laid back that it's ok if we just randomly take a road trip in the middle of the week just because we can. Nobody says but what about work? and is this really economical for us? or I'm really tired, maybe later? It takes one message saying Meet me in Lawton for dinner. 6 p.m. And i'm out the door.

We had dinner, then hit a little sports bar across the street that was filled with military guys. He leaned over to me and said, I'd give anything if the DJ would start playing Hiiighwaaay to the danger zone! I'll take you riiight intooo the danger zone! All Top Gun like. I pointed out that Ft. Sill was an army base, but it was funny nonetheless. And we talked over drinks about how the only non-Christian music I ever got to listen to was my dad's copy of the Eagle's Greatest Hits. And we talked about the first time he knew he had to play the guitar. Bon Jovi, Slippery When Wet. Apparently it changed his life. :) I bet you couldn't tell.

I'll skip the details of what happened after hours because they are too vulgar for you to even imagine. I promise. :) But at 7:30 this morning I was out the door and on the way back to the city with a smile on my face.

Tonight I'm gonna try to spend some QT with pops and let him hear the new TJ CD. From what I hear through the grapevine, he's considering financially backing the band in some way, shape, or form. So I thought I'd go out and make sure he knew what he was getting into. :) Tomorrow night it's Stilly for the grand old testicle festival and I hear it might rain. I guess we'll just move the party inside? Either way, I'll be drunk. Hope to see you there!

Out like trout!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Happy hump day afternoon, all.

Not much going on here. Still trying to get rid of all this nasty stuff hybernating in my chest. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon. Hmph. Guess I'll keep on the vits.

I'm taking it easy today. It's beautiful outside and we should all be outside playing or indoors with the windows open napping. I think I'll do a little of both.

Not much else going on in my world at the moment. Have a good one!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Well, it's official. I have my first Dallas job interview next Friday the 5th with the Dallas Child Advocacy Center!

Wish me luck!
Ain't Got Time to Beg

Just a quick note before I'm out the door to Duncan for the day for some mediation meeting that I know absolutely nothing about...

I promised a couple of people I'd report back on the new TJ CD, Blood Music, once I heard it. Well here it is. Three words: ROCK. AND. ROLL. And I've been told all of my credibility has been shot now that I'm in love with the guitar player. However, most of the people who've said that weren't up at the front of the stage with me three years ago when I first heard them at the Red Dirt. I was a fan of the band way before I was a band girlfriend. And I'm an even bigger fan now.

Enough of the disclaimer. This is one of the few CD's I can pop in the CD changer in the living room and blare it as loud as it goes while I'm getting ready to go out. The finished product isn't out yet, but when it is, take my word-- put it on number 4, drop to your knees, and thank the rock gods for inspiring such a bad ass song.

And really, the whole CD's like that. I was majorly impressed and kinda couldn't believe the guitar player was sitting in my front seat going to Mimi's with me. And then we're back to that whole thing. Anyway, you'll love it. It's in your face and that's how they like it.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Reporting back...

Well, he got a hearty three votes this weekend. My uncle said, Keep this one around, ok?

We hit the Boland show at George's for a few Saturday night but left to avoid the rush and came home around midnight.

Got home this afternoon and I trimmed the hedges while he mowed the yard and I hung up my brand new Pink Ruffle Double Impatiens above the white rocking chair. It SO looks like a Laura Ashley might live here.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Congrats to Jackie and Steven who announced to the world today that another little Kueny will be gracing us with his or her presence on or around Thanksgiving Day!! WOOO HOOO!!!! Yay babies!

Ah, last night was a great night. One of those rare nights when the bar is empty and you get a kick ass show all to yourself. Glad I didn't miss it. Tonight, however, I think I'll be busy recovering. We shall see... I guess anything's possible.
The car was so close to being parked in the yard. And there was a stray chicken nugget in the floorboard.

The last two nights I haven't gone to bed before 3 a.m. And I've woken up about 7:30. Still drunk, mostly. It's been a while since I tied one on two nights in a row... and totally on my own. Just cuz I wanted to. And I'm glad I did. The Rodney Parker and the 50 Pesos Reward show last night was a muy bueno fiesta! I can for sure see the Macon influence. Got to hang with them a little last night since there was literally no one in the bar. Good times!

So I'm actually going to do as little work as possible today and try to fit a nap in somewhere. And tomorrow morning we're heading to Fayetteville to see the GP's. It's gonna be a great weekend!! Have a good one and stay safe!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So on this fabulous Wednesday night, I'm enjoying my part SF, part non-SFRBV, and I'm thinking. I'm thinking interesting thoughts, at least to me anyway. And it suddenly occurs to me that they'd be very interesting to my friend, Mr. Ray, too. If he was here. And talking to me. Anyway.

I went to a one act play last night called "Down from the Mountaintop." Performed by Broadway actor extraordinaire, Mr. Calvin Levels. He was basically channeling James Baldwin, who happens to be one of my most favorite authors of all time. If I had to name a list of authors who have influenced my life in a REAL way, I mean, a real, sustaining, life-changing way, his name would be on the very, very short list.

Anyway, last night, Mr. Levels, as James Baldwin was talking about the literary scene in Paris in the 60's... how amazing that must have been. He mentioned a particular do-nothing night when he was in the local bar having a rather heated exchange with Jean Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and Albert Camus, among others. And I thought what an amazing time and place. To just by chance be surrounded by peers who would turn out to be some of the greatest minds of their time.

Which, over the last 24 hours has got me thinking. We all know I'm in love up to my eyeballs. Really and truly, I am. And with good reason. This man has single handedly produced a 180 degree turn around in my soul, in my heart. He has shown me things about myself I never even knew were there. He has found things I didn't know to look for. He is everything to me. And he has his own path that is amazing in and of itself. I love watching his eyes light up when he's in his element. He is so passionate about what he loves and I love that it drives him. It's part of what attracts me to him.

And then I think about myself and what I want from myself, from my life. And I wonder about these social constructs we call marriage and family. I find myself wanting it now more than ever in my life. And that's a strange and new feeling for me. And I'm starting to wonder if I want it because I'm supposed to want it. I don't crave intimacy. I don't need a piece of paper to solidify commitment. I already have all that and it is the most wonderful feeling in the world. And I had a thought tonight: am I really supposed to settle down, move to a nice little house in the suburbs, have a meaningful 9-5, produce beautiful and wildly intelligent children and be happy for the rest of my life? Or am I supposed to somehow keep the meaningful relationships I have, rent a pitted out one room flat in Greenwich Village and paint/write/sing/play amongst the street people for a time in my life?

I'm trying to find a way to reconcile these two parts of Ashly without smothering either of them. I think both of them are genuine wants and needs and finding a way to fulfill both of them is proving tricky. But I guess that's what life is. It's the ins and outs and loves and losses and paintings and bad poems and one night stands and loves of your life and unborn children and best friends miles away that make up our existence. And I'm trying to find a way to love every part of it. I'm working on it.

And now it's time for Copeland. Happy Wednesday night!
Wow. Looks like I may be going out for a little Copeland goodness tonight. That should be fun. Dammit! I left my bottle of crown at P's. With gas like $25 a gallon, I'm having to watch my spending lately. It sucks. Oh well. Jager shots all around before I leave the house. :)

Anywho, it's a beautiful day to be out of the office and that's one of the perks of this job. There are certain days when I don't even have bother going in because I have so much to do outside of the office. And today's the perfect day for it.

I need to do some spring cleaning. Yeah right.

Well, happy hump day!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Well, here I am, back on the diet wagon. I'll admit it. I cheated this weekend at Fred's in Vernon. It used to be a Dairy Queen and they have the freakin best cheeseburgers in the world. So it's back to healthy food for me. I'm a little hungry but I feel good about it. :)

I hammered out a 10 page paper today at work. So that was fun. Didn't get too much actual work done, but I get by. I'm having a pain in my left boob. AHHH!! Tumor!!! Just kidding, it's better now.

Anyway, I'm super duper pumped about this weekend that I get to spend with the most amazing man on the face of my planet. Yay! It's already almost Wednesday!

I've got like a zillion papers down and 2 to go. Really just one more to go and a rinky dink presentation over an article I found on the innernets. Then I will be officially ready to blow this popsicle stand and start getting paid what I deserve. I'm working on it.

Happy Tuesday. And I'm out like trout.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Mushy gushy, ooey gooey...

Here we go.

So I had just about the most fabulous weekend ever. If you haven't noticed, I am completely and totally up to my eyeballs in love. We hit the Iron Horse on Friday night for an opener show... which always seems kinda weird to me. I'm like in full tilt party mode an hour into the show, then it's time to stop. Luckily, that doesn't happen too often. Then Saturday we hung out all day just chillin with the in-laws. I have to say one of the biggest bonuses about being with somebody great is that generally they'll have a great family too. So it's good times all around. Saturday night we got stupid and contagious at the hip and happenin honky tonk that is the Cotton Boll. Those shows are so funny. People just stand around the rail at the edge of the dance floor with these looks on their faces like WTF. Where's the country band? And I'm like I don't understand. You people are the most mullet-wearin', truck drivin, joe dirt-ish people I have ever seen in my life. You of all people should appreciate some rock and roll! Alas, somebody always leaves mad that nobody played any George Straight or Tim McGraw.

I, on the other hand, had an excellent time. Shelby and I danced our asses off which was nice for a change. The guys had a great show and soon it was time to pay the tab and head out. So we went home and showered. And a great shower it was. :) Then we hit THREE Allsups looking for corndogs!! Finally we found one and loaded up on corndogs and chimichangas. Then we sat out in the driveway at home for like at least an hour just talking about how we got together and how weird life is and how fucking crazy in love we are. And that's what it's all about.

It's been 8 months now, working on 9, and we still can't get enough of each other. We still sit in the car and talk non stop for an hour about how much we love each other. I hope we always have the chance to bring our relationship back to that point. To just slow down and look at where we've been and where we're going.

So it's gonna be another looong week in the studio for him and hopefully I'll get to hear the final product on Saturday and I'll report back... We'll be going to Fayetteville to the GP's this weekend which should be quite interesting. I can't wait to see the look on poppa's face when he sees the big dude with long hair and tattoo sleeves...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Today is a great day! It's beautiful outside, I'm wearing my new sparkley flip flops, and in just a few hours I'll be on my way to see the love of my life whom I haven't laid eyes on in exactly TWO WEEKS! It's long overdue.

I also think I may have lost at least 2 pounds this week. I can just feel it. I probably should invest in a scale or something. I've never really dieted in my life and it's really not that hard. It's just sticking to it that makes all the difference! (Remind me of that in a couple of weeks or so...)

TGIF, compadres!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I'm almost forgot. Something very interesting happened to me yesterday. First off, I spent the better part of my day in a small town in southwest Oklahoma at the funeral of my friend's 8 month old daughter. It was about the most torturous and horrible thing I've experienced in my whole life. I hope none of us ever have to experience that again. It was completely and totally draining. About 4 p.m. all I could think of was burying myself under the covers and sleeping off the day I'd just had. However, it occurred to me that I lose 3 points off my final grade for every Tuesday night class I miss, so I made the gruelling trek to Norman, signed the sign in sheet and took my seat. Had I known what was about to take place, I would have opted for the staying home, taking muscle relaxers, and sleeping the night away thing.

So our teacher stands up and says we are going to watch a video about psychotherapeutic issues related to sexuality in minority populations. Fabulous. While normally I'd welcome discussion of this topic, I was not at all excited about discussing it in an environment peppered with Bible Thumpers who constantly seemed to be hopped up on Jesus Juice. I found myself astonished to be in a masters level psychology class on a public university campus that was so flooded with people who had never thought to question their own paths and consequently lived their lives according to the Great Rule Book, checking off their to do lists and measuring it against the standards they've set for everyone else. (After all, these people are in this class because they want to be therapists.)

I have a friend in this class and I knew it was going to be a difficult night for her as well. Her name is Karen, she is 23, works doing intake at a women's shelter, and is bi-sexual. (Although she was very clear she does not like that label because it implies she is not monogamous. And she is.) At some point, a guy named Moses, no I'm not making this up, who was sitting in the back of the class, made some sort of statement that equated gay and lesbian people with people who are born disabled. Three gasps were heard in the room, Karen, myself, and our professor. Everybody else was busy praying or something, I don't know. So our professor quite correctly led us in a discussion about social justice, equality of human beings, and MOST importantly tolerance versus affirmation.

And then it happened. The two cutest girls in the class, who consequently also happen to be the two girls going on mission trips to China this summer, and who are also so graciously saving their precious flowers of virginity until marriage so as to escape the hellfires of damnation, somehow both felt the need to make personal disclosures. Both of them had lesbian experiences in highschool, but chose to make Jesus their personal Lord and Savior and walked away from that sin and that life.

I'm thinking FUCK that's hot. :) And then I returned to my former introspective self and thought how sad it is that I continuously run into people who have been told that they are not valuable and worthy as beautiful human beings just the way they are. They continue to strive and reach for some unattainable standard-- to be good enough. And now they're asking others to try to be good enough too. And they essentially end up saying, if you don't fit my mold, if you don't reach my standards, if you don't do the right thing, you're flawed as a person and you need to be fixed. And in a profession that requires unconditional positive regard and affirmation of individuals as agents for change, my little Virgin Mary's in Training have the potential to cause a tremendous amount of damage to any clients with whom they might come in contact.

And after having that exact internal dialogue, I promptly gathered my things and left. Moments before I had noticed the little folded piece of paper in my purse with a picture of happy, smiling, 8 month old little girl whose parents buried her earlier that day. This class was too petty and too much.

So I went home and started a gift I'm making someone. And that helped.
Happy hump day all!

This is an especially good day for me because I officially get my boyfriend back. I haven't seen him in almost two weeks and he's been holed up in a dark studio until the wee hours of the morning for the last four days with no time to talk. So I'll be happy to see my phone lighting up at the usual pace again. :)

Anyway, It's been officially one week since I started my diet and I'm still doing fabulously. It occurred to me earlier that I've never really dieted in my life. Not on purpose. When I lived at home with mom we just always ate healthy because that's all we had in the house. Last night I didn't even eat dinner just because I was busy and wasn't that hungry. That was kinda weird for me. And I can feel the difference. I just feel better. And it takes way less now to make me full. So that's a good feeling. And I've realized that since most of my sugar intake is coming from fruit and stuff like that, that when I splurge and eat real candy it gives me a mega headache quick. It's weird how quickly our bodies adjust to stuff like that.

Anyway, I'm getting super excited about graduation. Woo HOO! Party party! Dani bought her plane ticket and we're spending Friday the 12th celebrating the glorious day of her birth. How weird is it that I'm going to have a 23 year old sister. I feel like I'm still 23. Man, that was a great year.

Well, the world looks pretty rosy for me today and I'm super thankful for that. Hope yours is good as well.


Monday, April 10, 2006

Yucky Monday.

You'd think after a great weekend, Monday would be a little better. I guess things don't always work that way. One of my friends found out late afternoon Friday that his little girl died at day care. 6 months old. She laid down for a nap and never woke up. We're all caravaning to Marlow tomorrow morning for the funeral. So it's a pretty sad place around here.

I guess things like this just remind us all to be very thankful for each moment we have with the ones we love. Because the reality is that we don't have forever with them. It's sad that it takes horrible things like this to remind us of that.

Anyway, the love of my life is holed up in a studio in dallas this week, so I haven't seen him in like fifty million days. Friday can't get here quick enough. Nothin much else goin on this week. Writing papers and getting ready for graduation. That can't get here quick enough either!

Chin up and have a great Monday.

Friday, April 07, 2006

so a girl sitting across the hall from me just won 200K in the lottery.

we're all trying to figure out why she's still here. craziness.
For Pablo and Dan

So I can't hear out of my left ear. Not really sure why. I was at exactly the center of the stage, front row all night. Wait. I sorta can't hear outta my right ear either. That makes more sense.

I told Maroline this a million times tonight because I'm on a diet and I had the usual amount of hard liquor tonight... doesn't really work that well... need sustenance to soak it all up:) Best Jack Ingram show I've ever seen was 2 years ago... who comes through the back door five songs from the end of the show but Mr. Todd Snider. He hung at the back of the stage, hair in his face, didn't sing a word the rest of the show. Just played. But I was like HOLY FUCK that's TODD SNIDER. After the show Jack was all stretched out, hands folded neatly behind his head and ankles crossed on the worn out arm at the other end of the old orange couch. He nodded and said, How ya doin? Thanks for comin' out. Todd threw up somewhere around I-40 I read the next day. THAT was the show.

I emailed little reminders to myself all night.

1) Someone please help Ragan when you see him blowing smoke into his own eye. He needs some help sometimes. Apparently it's painful.

2) It's interesting to read the subtle smiles of the dudes on stage. This one was important but I can't remember what it was for. It had something to do with the encore and that's all I remember. That's cuz I had a $9 bar tab. And that's a lot.

3) Tonight was questionable. I was waiting for the show. I'd make my decision then. He got up on stage and straight up said I know I'm all CMT now, but I've only got THREE new songs. Then he said, if there's one thing I've learned it's that in this business, you've gotta learn how to take a punch. And I respected that.

I still love my Jack. I rocked out all night. And he did some songs that made me miss my boys and reinforced just how fuckin' rock and roll they really are. It's a crazy ride. And I've decided, no way in hell am I missing the unspeakableness that will be tomorrow night in Lawton. I mean, red dirt, texas music, it's all great. Live for it. But the ultimate Bandito in his leaky little boat outside underneath the stars?

Please. Try to top that.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

You can't say these aren't true. Is this a great state or what?

Nichols Hills Barbie:

This princess Barbie is sold only in Nichols Hills. She comes with an assortment of Kate Spade handbags, a Lexus SUV, a longhaired foreign dog named Honey, and a cookie-cutter house. Available with or without tummy tuck and face lift. Note: Workaholic Ken sold only in conjunction with "augmented" version.

Yukon Barbie:

This modern-day homemaker Barbie is available with Ford Windstar minivan and matching velour gym outfit. She gets lost easily and has no full time occupation
or secondary education. Traffic-jamming cell phone sold separately.

Spencer Barbie:

This recently paroled Barbie comes with a 9 mm handgun, a Chevy with dark tinted windows, and a meth lab kit. This model is only available after dark and
can only be paid for in cash, preferably small, untraceable bills. Unless you are a cop, then we don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Edmond Barbie:

This yuppie Barbie comes with your choice of BMW convertible or Hummer H2. Included is her own Starbucks cup, credit card, and country club membership. Also available for this set are Shallow Ken and Private School Skipper. You won't be able to afford any of them.

Norman (OU) Barbie:

Short, highly tanned and ready to land a husband, we mean get an education. Comes with standard issue OU shorts with "O U" printed largely on the butt. Also comes wearing latest "themed" sorority party T-shirt, hair in pony tail and a gaggle of similar looking friends, each carrying the latest in "knock off" Kate Spade bags. Honda Civic, undecided major. Drunken backward hat Frat Ken sold separately.

Midwest City Barbie:

This pale model comes dressed in her own Wrangler jeans two sizes too small, a NASCAR shirt, and Tweety Bird tattoo on her shoulder. She has a six-pack of
Coors Light and a Hank Williams, Jr. CD set. She can spit over 5 feet and kick mullet-haired Ken's butt when she is drunk. Purchase her pickup truck separately and get a confederate flag bumper sticker absolutely free.

Hefner Lake Barbie:

This collagen injected, rhino-plastic Barbie wears a leopard print spandex outfit and drinks cosmopolitans while entertaining friends on her boat. Percocet
prescription available.

Del City Barbie:

This tobacco chewing, brassy-haired Barbie has a pair of her own high-heeled sandals with one broken heel from the time she chased Beer-Gut Ken out of El Reno Barbie's (discontinued) house. Her ensemble includes low-rise acid-washed jeans, fake fingernails, and a see-through halter-top. Also available with a mobile home.

Classen/23rd St.Barbie:

This doll is made of actual tofu. She has long straight faded blue hair, archless feet, hairy armpits, no makeup, and Birkenstocks with white socks. She prefers that you call her "Willow." She does not want or need a Ken doll, but if you purchase two Classen/23rd St. Barbies, and the optional Subaru wagon, you get a rainbow flag sticker for free.

Moore Barbie:

This Barbie now comes with a stroller and infant doll. Optional accessories include a GED and bus pass. Gangsta Ken and his '79 Caddy were available, but are
now very difficult to find since the addition of the infant.

South OKC Barbie:

This Spanish-speaking-only Barbie comes with a 1984 Toyota with expired temporary plates and three baby Skippers in the back seat, but no car seats. The
optional Ken doll comes with a cowboy hat, shovel and work gloves. Ken comes with his own 1979 Ford pickup with a Telemundo bumper sticker, tinted windows, and Our Lady of Guadalupe rear window stickers. Truck is painted primer gray, but wheels and rims are not available. Comes with cement blocks. Green cards are not available for South OKC Barbie or Ken.

Classen Circle Barbie/Ken:

This versatile doll can be easily converted from Barbie to Ken by simply adding or subtracting the multiple "snap-on" parts.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

And so it is...

Ted Kooser tonight at OCU was exactly what I needed. Unlike poets before him, he didn't get deep into the philosophical meaning of language and breath, he didn't try to wow us with his impressive knowledge of all the synonyms for every feeling in the book, he just stood behind the podium, the little man that he is, and read to us about his mother, his father, his uncle Ira Freidlein, and about passing his long lost love on the street after twenty years. Sitting there listening to him for the hour I did, I felt like I could breathe for the first time in at least a year.

There were no children to be taken care of, no judges or DA's to satiate, no hyperactive bosses about the round the corner of the office. It was just me in my seat and the little old man at the podium talking about how important it is for people to know that poetry is for everyone. It's not Shakespeare. And it's good. And I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I ran into the two women I consider the greatest quiet revolutionaries of my time on the way out to the car and got to chat for a minute. After quick hugs Professor Keller asked me what I was doing these days and I said Child Welfare. She laughed and looked at Dr. Smokewood and said very sarcastically, I'm glad we raised our brilliant English majors to work for DHS.

I guess I was supposed to have finished writing my earth-shattering manifesto by now and be traveling world wide solving the problems of the universe.

I told them I write excellent court reports. They didn't seem satisfied. Then I told them my boyfriend was in a band. Things went generally downhill from there.

Not really. :) We waxed poetic about the oddness of life and how Dr. Smokewood prefers that poetry be used to flesh out the horrors of life while Prof. Keller and I agreed that it was nice just to be able to relax and take a breath tonight.

Anyway, I'm glad I went. I needed that. Very much. I came home to a dirty kitchen which I promptly cleaned and unloaded all of the groceries I bought earlier today. Starting tomorrow morning it's Diet City for me. I've printed out my menu for the week and bought all the necessities. It's time to do this right. And get back into the clothes I wore last summer and maybe even the summer before that. Wish me luck. And keep me honest!

Happy Thursday.
Poem for the day:

After Years

Today, from a distance, I saw you
walking away, and without a sound
the glittering face of a glacier
slid into the sea. An ancient oak
fell in the Cumberlands, holding only
a handful of leaves, and an old woman
scattering corn to her chickens looked up
for an instant. At the other side
of the galaxy, a star thirty-five times
the size of our own sun exploded
and vanished, leaving a small green spot
on the astronomer's retina
as he stood on the great open dome
of my heart with no one to tell.

-Ted Kooser

Tonight, 8 p.m., Petree Auditorium, Oklahoma City University. I'll be there.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Hideeho, neighbor Joe.

I can't believe it's only Monday. Seems like it should be later in the week already. Guess that's what happens when you don't really get a weekend. Mine was spent in school learning/doing group therapy. Interesting stuff but pretty draining. And it's more of the same next weekend.

At least I got to fit a show in Saturday night. Headed up to Stilly for the bf's show at Roosters where they kicked complete ass. Still not sure what was happening in town that night b/c it was pretty much dead everywhere but the bar. It was packed and peeps were druuuunk. It was a great time. It's funny when I end up at shows by myself. I end up looking like the hippy chick who follows the band around cuz I love their music. And I think something about that attracts dudes. I had like 4 guys ask me who I was there with etc, etc.

That would be the big dude playing the guitar. But I'll take a crown and coke if you're going to the bar. :) Except I was a little out of control and was substituting 151 for crown that night. And I'll be damned if I didn't turn the corner and who did I run into but Mr. Winn himself!! I squealed and I hugged him then we had a heart to heart about life and love and how everybody needs a 3-6 month (or year in my case) period where they do nothing but have shameless, no-strings attached sex. Especially after a break up. It helps you figure out what you want in the next one. IF there is a next one. Right?

Anyway, good luck to you Mr. Winn and the health department will keep you stocked with trojans for free. It's great to have him back.

Anywho, it's more of the same old this week with the distinct possibility that I may see all THREE of my husbands this week at some point. Now THAT is a great week.

Have a good one!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Originally uploaded by Daisy Girl.

It is an amazing thing to open yourself to love and to be loved so completely and unconditionally by another human being.