Thursday, September 29, 2005

Perfect sleepy Thursday nights. Hot bath and some Katie Melua. It gets a little better than this, but not much, kids.

Tomorrow's a busy day. Gotta spend a few hours downtown with my friends in the pen. Then it's straight to the Falls for hopefully a perfect night in the park, complete with fireworks.


And fuck bees!! :)
It is the most beautiful day in the history of all days this year. Every day should be JUST like this one. Kinda chilly but not too bad... no clouds. Just sunshine. Good let's go make out at the lake weather. Alas, every time I make out with myself it's completely uneventful.

What's the best meal in the world, you ask? Besides Olive Garden 3 meat ravioli and Red Rock rotisserie chicken? That would be mac and cheese and milk. And hence we have lunch. Mmmm. Somehow I just never grew out of it. When I was little I used to tell my mom when I grew up we'd have Christmas at my house and I'd make mac and cheese for dinner. To this day she still expects it to happen.

Well, thankfully work is slow today. Everybody's in court except me and I don't go til Monday. So it's a nice break before tomorrow when I'll be running around like a chicken with my head cut off from foster home to foster home to jail to foster home... then maybe to Fallsfest. Still up in the air. We'll see.

Well I guess that's about it for your lunch time news. Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I did who? I drank what? Nuh uh. It's Wednesday night.

And officially 19 minutes until my main man drummer from a little band called Plainview's 30th birthday.


Happy Birthday, J! Hope it's all you want it to be!!

Well, once again it's a week night and I've outdone myself. I gotta make a phone call and go to bed. Everybody have a happy Thursday, alright.

I'm out like trout.
Awwwww shiiiiit.

Whoever thought anything good would ever come outta Texas anyway?

Craz. I. Ness.

Thank God I live like five minutes from the office so I can come home for lunch when I need a break.

Geez. They're like Welcome to Child Welfare. Here's your badge and your phone. Now. Here's a kid you need to take care of. He's calling his foster mom a fat bitch and tearing up her house. (And I'm thinking well she is a fat bitch...) Get him admitted to day treatment. Then go visit mom in jail awaiting murder charges. And while your there talk to dad about what he wants us to do with his kids while he's in for the next 8 years for selling crack (assuming I pass the background check and don't get arrested on the spot myself). Then call this other mom back and explain to her the rationale behind why if you test positive for PCP you don't get a visit with your kids this week. And all your court reports need to be in by 3 today. Don't forget to take at least an hour lunch and don't leave a minute after 5 because we're not payin' you for comp time.

Have a nice day.

Well, at least I'm not bored. And at least I always have the liquor to look forward to afterwards. :)
Well, here we are. Already half way through the week. It's flying by and I have no idea why. Probably all the newness in my life. It feels good, ya know. Not the same old same old. And yay for me, I have a research statistics test tonight. Guaranteed F. Fo sho. Ok, maybe not F. At least I hope not. But it's not gonna be pretty, that's for sure. I was meant for people, not for numbers. So I don't understand why it's a required class. Oh well. By 8 p.m. tonight it'll all be over and I'll be rushing headlong into the weekend.

The cold front comes in tonight. Praise Jesus. I'm ready for fall. Plus my birthday's in 5 days and all I asked for was shopping money. Woo hoO! And my good friend Kindra Marie is turning 24 next Thursday so the celebration will be on all week long. If you get a drunk dial from a strange number in mexico in the wee hours of the morning, don't worry. We'll be ok. If all else fails we'll sell out to the sex trade and make enough money to buy a little hacienda on the beach.

Viva la fiesta!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I got nothin'.

Happy Hump Day.
11 hours. Four missed phone calls. I was OUT. I laid down a little after 8 and didn't open my eyes again until 7:08 this morning. That was fabulous. Had some interesting dreams too and finally they were exactly what I wanted them to be about... and not scary at all. :)

Jammin' to a little AH this morning. It's funny because when you hear "Play Somethin' We Know" you think he's exaggerating his accent to make the song more realistic. Um, no. Play som'n we can sang to. Play som'n we now. That's just sweet Adam Hood goodness.

I heart him and I can't wait til next Wednesday.

So I got my official caseload yesterday. Geez louise. Right off the bat, the first case I get, guess what it is. Nope, not the usual meth/coke head/drunk. Mom's being held downtown on 1st degree murder charges. She decided if she couldn't have her man, that other bitch sure wasn't going to.

Of course she says, I don't know how she ended up dead. But I need to thank someone.

So. This should be molto interesting. Well, it's about that time. Have a fabulous Tuesday, you. :)

Monday, September 26, 2005

Wasn't sposed to get drunk tonight.


Well, here are my major accomplishments por la noche:

1) not running over any concrete parking block thingies

2) not rear-ending anyone in the McDonald's drive thru

Yes, I'd say the night was a success. Pretty much. Sorta. I get stupid when I'm drunk and I think we all know that so we come to expect it and it's all good. Right?

I'm gonna be so worn out tomorrow. Going to bed at 9 p.m. if not earlier.

Love all of you. Seriously.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Mmmm. Sweet Sunday. This is one of those days when I want to lay down in the green bedroom and let the sun shine in on my face through the slats in the blinds , close my eyes and make believe the world is exactly as I want it to be.

I'll settle for showering and getting ready for the show tonight. Should be a good time as usual. Shout out to FA who drunk dialed me at 5:30 p.m. yesterday. :) Drove by on the way to breakfast this morning just to make sure you weren't laying face down in the yard or anything, and all looked well. Here's hoping!

Well, tomorrow's the first official day in the office as a trained social worker. I'm sure it'll start off with a bang-- cross your fingers for me. Well, it's almost 4 p.m. and I've put off bathing for long enough. :)

Come out tonight and watch the drunk monkies dance. It'll be well worth your $10, trust me.

Friday, September 23, 2005

With all the shit going on in the world today, for the first time I'm content to be completely land-locked and have a bottle of whiskey in the cabinet.

Be thankful for what you have...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

So I guess there's some sort of mass hysteria in Texas. Dani called me from the HEB and said there wasn't any food left and all the gas is gone. She was supposed to come up and spend the weekend with me tomorrow but now they're telling everybody to stay off I-35. So it's a no go. I hope it all works out ok.

Anyway, sorry I haven't had much to say lately... lots going on and not lots of time. I'm about to head out for dinner at Pearls with my peeps from the day job then it's home and it's gonna be get-your-wax-on night. One more sleep then it's Friday.

Mmmm... sweet weekend goodness.

Be good boys and girls. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Have I ever told you how much I love Stoney LaRue? I don't know what took me so long except I just thought of it, but I just downloaded the CD, which is full of songs I already know of course. But man, it makes me want to be at a show. Up front and drinkin'. :)

October 21st, boys and girls.
Sometimes we all need to go a little bit crazy. It's true. Throw caution and all our inhibitions to the wind and let it drag us off by our hair while we're laughing/screaming wildly that we all go a little mad sometimes.

Fuck, it feels good.

Totally and completely out of control. I don't care. Sometimes you just gotta do your thing and see where it takes you and be good no matter where it ends up. I get to do today once. Tomorrow once. No re-do's. No second chances. So fuck it. I'm doing what I want to NOW. The last thing I want to be is a sixty year old woman looking back at my life, remembering some well-repressed moment from my twenties going, I wonder what would have come of that if I would have just stepped out...

Play it safe if you wanna. It's sure as hell a lot easier. But I'm out on that.

Way out. And if you wanna know about living for the experience...

ask Dogma.

Monday, September 19, 2005

My head hit the pillow last night at 7:30. I fully intended to sleep from then til 7:30 this morning. And I could have. My phone rang at 10 p.m. and woke me up, I was sure it was already morning anyway. It was mom saying, "I'll be in town tomorrow night and wanted to see if I could stay with you."

Sure. Call me again in the morning and remind me because I'm asleep.

Then it occurs to me this morning that my house is in no condition for anyone who raised me to be spending any amount of time in it. Forget the piles of clothes and just general clutter in EVERY room of the house. There's four empty wine bottles and one empty crown bottle littering the kitchen countertops. There are pictures of boobs and sweaty rock stars on the refrigerator. There are dirty dishes in the sink of course. My laundry's piled up in the middle of the living room floor waiting to be folded and the lawn looks like I moved out about 2 months ago.

Shit! So much to do and so little time! So I came home and got in full on cleaning mode. Took the party pics off the fridge, well, maybe just one, and generally removed any indicators that I might have some sort of substance abuse problem. :) (Although I'm not worried too much about that aspect of things since last time I was at mom's she pulled out two bottles of wine for dinner and a MASSIVE bottle of champagne to christen the new house...) And now I've just realized that I've got a paper that was due exactly 2 days ago to get a grade for that ridiculous weekend class I took a few weeks ago. I'm screwed.

And now I'm hungry. Must find grubbage. And some time this week I've gotta start planning Maroline's personal shower. That's gonna be so much fun... Congrats Maroline! Here's your handcuffs, some handy dandy spiked leather restraints, and a cat whip! What, Mrs. Mosley, you didn't know your daughter was into that?

Oh yeah, she's a tiger. *winks*

I'm just playin', babe. I'd never do that to you...

I'm out like trout.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

A weekend to remember and a couple of road trips to never forget.

Yeah, so I didn't have plans to do anything but sit on the couch this weekend and wait for Monday... I guess that's when it usually happens. The phone starts ringing and you end up gassing up the car and driving around in small towns across this state and others at all hours of the night. All in all my weekend included a hard core metal show, getting lost on an army base, an empty bottle of crown that was full just six hours earlier, an empty case of Texas Budweiser, old, naked, saggy boobs that jiggled around while a drunk lady yelled, Hey Flyyyynnnn!, watching a dude get his ass kicked at the farm, dinner at a gas station at 2 a.m. (they have a microwave. Score!), and a couple of really cute drunk girls who suddenly sounded like they'd lived in Texas all their lives.

I love it when you don't have plans and things like this happen. That's the stuff memories are made of. :) So, shout out to all my homies who participated in the debauchery. We'll do it again real soon.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Look at the dumb girl from the trailer park. I need an emotional connection!

I love you Mr. Ray. Yes, in spite of it all. :) I'm sure it was something I did anyway...

Tonight was a night. No. A niiiight. Yummy. All the way around. Wouldn't trade it for the world.

Nic and I may or may not be headed to Chillicothe tomorrow. This remains to be seen. And now I'm going to sleep because I'm so tired my eyes won't focus.

Pedicure canceled. My bed is too nice...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Well, it's Thursday night and I got nothin. Today was an adventure I would rather not have had. Although, it did brighten up toward the end. Ran into Dicky at Dad's shop, always good to see him. Got to talk to pops for a few which was long overdue and got invited to go to Winfield with him tomorrow, but that's a no go for reasons that will remain undisclosed. And a big ups to Maroline for coming over and helping me paint my house tonight.


Strike that. Reverse it.

Anyway, it's fuckin' Friday and I'm stoked. All one thousand of you be careful going to the wedding. I'll be here letting Ginger out.

If I ever joked about Mercury being in retrograde, I apologize. Cosmic retribution is a bitch.

Our training at work is hard core. You're on time or you're called out. You pay attention or a nasty little email gets sent to your county office. Don't even think about getting up to go to the bathroom before breaktime. It was explained to us that this is the only chance the trainers get for authority over anything. So they obviously enjoy their time. If you miss more than 30 minutes of any session you have to make up the whole component, however many days long it may be.

Yesterday morning my car starts doing that nice security malfunction where it thinks someone is stealing it and they probably won't bother to wait exactly 10 minutes for it to disarm so the car will start again. Call the boss. I'm gonna be late. Tell the nazis not to get their panties in a wad. No big deal.

This morning I think, I'll go out and start the car 10 minutes before I need to leave, just to be safe. Sweet. It started. I pull out of the driveway, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk. You GOTTA be shittin' me! Yip. A flat. And I may be proudly proficient at most of my independent living skills, but changing a tire is NOT one of them. Especially not in this outfit. Call the boss. You're not gonna believe this...

Dad's on his way. This is one thing that scares me about moving all the way across the country. There's gonna be nobody to change my flat tires. Or say wiggle the wire to the left. Or let me hear what it sounds like and I can tell you if it's the battery or not.

Definitely gonna have to invest in some AAA.

And I have a hangover.

What a day.
Raise your nerd flag high...

Yes. I know who Herman Hesse is. Come on people. Call me out in the middle of a show if you want to. All I'm sayin' is:

Where's Dave Ray when you need him?

Come on! Help me out! Don't you people read books??

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

On the Border for lunch today. Mmmm...

Sorry I missed Adam's show last night. It's not like I can't sing every lyric to every one of his songs and haven't for his last like three shows or whatever. :) And he'll be at my birthday party in 3 weeks anyway! Once I got home, I was just really feelin' the bubble bath and last night, with the PMS I had going on, if I would have had to fight even one frat boy for a beer, somebody would've gotten hurt. And it wouldn't have been me. Some nights you just don't wanna fight the crowd. And that was last night.

Tonight though, it's on. I love the acoustic Wednesdays at the WD. It just feels good. And it doesn't hurt that when I walk in the doors there's already a Crown and Coke waiting on me.

So. I'll see ya there.
Ah, much better. Rain solves everything. :) No worries!

Happy Hump Day! Where we drinkin' tonight?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

So I'm sitting here in the musty old Physical Science building at a school that couldn't beat TCU and barely squeaked by Tulsa last Saturday. That's ok. I didn't come here for the football. I came here because it's EASY. Grad school schmad school. This shit is a breeze. (Well, except for stats. That class sucks. But it's the first class I've had here that's even close to being a challenge.) And that's cuz I'm a genius. Let's all just agree to that, ok? I am a sex-goddess genius. And you don't get much better than that, right? That's what I thought.

Man, sometimes I just get in these moods when I wanna kick somebody's ass. Seriously. A person who will remain unnamed, only two of you know him anyway, called me DRUNK from far far far away yesterday. He was waiting to catch a flight home and started bitching me out for not having sex with him in like a year. Ok, I may be exaggerating the time frame a little. But seriously. Take notes here, if you are NOT in a relationship with someone, you have NO claims on their sex life. Capiche?

I even came to your house at 1 in the morning and you told me to go home!

Well, no shit, Sherlock! Dry the tears, wipe your nose, and get the fuck outta here, ok? Seriously. That kinda stuff gets on my last nerve. You'd think guys would have more pride than that. Apparently not. Plus, you gotta do your time before you even come close to thinking you have that kind of privilege. Trust me, you'll have to put in hours and hours and hours and HOURS of listening to my deepest darkest and endure the drunk Daisy's Reading Rainbow Recommendation Special before you even get to suggest that I should meet your needs on demand. And very few are that privileged. :)

So anyway, sorry I let the bitch out but it's that time of the month and you can't expect me to be docile and sweet all the time.

Ok, that was not a fair trade off.

I had a headache for two days straight, so I laid down last night hoping to wake up without it and I did. But I got a horrible nightmare in return. You know how I am about those things, I'm still trying to process it. Figure out what it means. It was one of those where I woke up at 4 a.m and had never been so glad to be awake in the middle of the night in my life!

And no, Maroline, it didn't involve demons. :) The thing I remember the most is that it involved me having a kid that for some reason Ryin thought I should name Ian. I wanted to name him Evan and I have no idea why. Somebody else said Ethan and I said no way.

And the rest is just too scary to talk about.

Lunch with Dana Lee today. Just like the good ole days.

Happy Tuesday...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Some cultures are defined by their relationship to cheese.

Tell me this isn't the perfect night alone...

the corn pack hot on my neck, a glass of wine in my hand, curled up on the couch in my favorite pj's watching Benny & Joon.
Feel like I should blog, but I just really don't have anything interesting to divulge.

Except I'm really happy Michael Brown resigned. Just another huge massive waving red flag representing the gross incompetence of this administration and the ignorance and/or complacency of our country in general (which may be slowly improving-- keep your fingers crossed). Finally. Someone did the right thing.

I love this Stone Sour song.

Wish I was too dead to care
If indeed I cared at all
Never had a voice to protest
So you fed me shit to digest
I wish I had a reason;
my flaws are open season
For this, I gave up trying
One good turn deserves my dying

You don't need to bother;
I don't need to be
I'll keep slipping farther
But once I hold on,
I won't let go 'til it bleeds.

I'm not depressed. I promise. This song just sounds kick ass.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I'm not your fucking mommy!

In the general tradition of sequels, with the only exception of Blair Witch 2, The Ring 2 was not nearly as interesting and/or freaky as the first. However, still worth the $4.95 from blockbuster if you're curious. The only thing that made me jump was the fact that at the exact moment Samara took over Aidan's body, it thundered outside and the whole house shook. That was a little creepy and too coincidental for me. Other than that, it was really reminiscent of Dark Water that came out a few months back with Jennifer Connelly.

Anyway, back to my lazy Sunday...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Quote of the Day:

From The Upside of Anger, one of the most sarcastically realistic comedy/dramas I've seen in a long time.

Why do I date younger women? Who should I sleep with? A woman like you? My age? I don't. You know why? Because younger women are nice. I take them out, they're actually grateful. They say, "Oh look, a steak! Yummy!" We go for a walk after dinner and the air smells nice. They say, "Thank you. This was nice. This was fun. You're funny!" What should I do? Settle for some pissed off thing like you? I'd rather have someone come over and do dental work every day from my backside, up through my ass!

So I'm sitting here eating left over Reese's Pieces from the movie last night. Caroline and I scared the shit out of each other. The scary parts of the movie reminded me a lot of scenes from the exorcist. Yeah, it was freaky because it was based on a true story. If you like scary movies, I definitely recommend it. If horror flicks aren't your thing, stay away from this one. You won't sleep for days, guaranteed. I came home and 1) Tucker started freaking out and 2) I kept hearing weird noises. If I would have smelled something burning I would have run out in the street screaming. So I settled for pulling a pillow and blanket into the living room and falling asleep to Jack & Rose's ill-fated voyage on the RMS Titanic. Nothing like a little Leo to get the demons outta your head.

Gettin' ready to hit the mall to do some major damage the bank account. Wish me luck!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Hot for Teacher

So. I have a new eye doctor and I LOVE him. If anybody's in need of a new one, check out Dr. Plank on N. May in the Colonade shops. He doesn't do that annoying air puff test. He has "new" technology that works better and he doesn't dilate your eyes. I've never had that done anyway. Not sure how I've escaped it. But anyway. He also hooked me up with some uber-sexy new frames that will be on my face in exactly 10 days. And he complimented me on my eyes. He said, well, they don't work very well but they sure are pretty. Yeah, thanks. :)

So anyway, I think I'm gonna try to see The Exorcism of Emily Rose tonight. If anybody who's not going on one camping trip or another wants to tag along, feel free. I heard it's based on the rash of murders that happened a few years ago when weird religious groups kept trying to cast the demons out of their kids and inadvertently ended up smothering them to death. So, I'm sure it'll be awesome. I'll letcha know.

Other than that, TGIF! Seriously!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

New glasses tomorrow.

Sex-ay. :)
Man, what a great start to the morning...

So I'm driving around the parking lot at work looking for a spot. I got here pretty early which always helps b/c the parking lot is full by 9 a.m. with people who have court dates.

Anyway, so I find one of the last few spots relatively close to the building. BUT. There are cars parked on either side of it. And the front AND back driver's side doors of one of the cars were standing open and the owner of the car was leaned over in the back seat trying to find something. Understandable. That's cool. Sometimes your lipstick falls between the cracks of the console and you have to get in the back seat to find it. So I think, I'll drive around the parking lot and come back, then she'll be done, she'll shut the doors and I can park in the spot next to her. So I drive around. I come back. The lady is standing inside her driver's side door PUTTING HER DEODERANT ON. Seriously. You skanky bitch. Put your deoderant on at home and close your car door so I can park in the good spot close to the building.

So finally I say screw it and park way out in the parking lot and start making my trek into the building. Of course at exactly the time I walk past her car, she shuts the car door and starts walking right in front of me to the building. She is STILL completely oblivious to me. So we walk up to the double doors and she stops. Right in front of them. Right in the middle of them. Just stops. And it's about that time I take one step closer to her back and say EXCUSE ME! She turns around startled and steps to the side.


I'm a little cranky this morning.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

[This really seemed like a good idea last night after 4 Crown & Cokes. Now it's just embarrassing. Oh well, I'm pretty sure you guys already knew I was a whore...]

How Freaky Are You? (Quiz)

- Copy this entire list into your blog/journal.
- BOLD everything about you that is true.
- Leave plain anything that is false about you.
- Put an asterisk at the end of false statements you would LIKE to be true.

I have had sex while wearing a blindfold.
I have blindfolded someone else during sex.
I have had sex while watching porn.
I have had sex while surfing porn on the Internet.
I sleep better after sex.
There are some nights I cannot sleep without sex or masturbating.
The bed is NOT my most favorite place to have sex.
I am turned on knowing someone is watching me masturbate.
I have masturbated for someone over a web cam.
I have had sex over a web cam.
I will have sex with someone I just met if they turn me on.
I have been tied up during sex.
I have had sex with someone who was tied up.
I have dripped wax onto a lover's body.*
I have had a lover drip wax onto my body.*
I have a foot fetish.
I have a leather fetish.
I have a tickle fetish.
I like being choked during sex.
I have had sex in a burning building.
I have erotic art on display somewhere in my residence.*
I enjoy nudie magazines.
Erotic toys are a regular part of my budget.
I think PLAYBOY is tame, maybe even boring.
I have clicked on porn links in my email.
I know the difference between girl/girl and lesbian sex in porn.
I have watched more than one gay/lesbian porn video.
Much of what I know about sex comes from porn.
Interracial sex turns me on.
I think we should do more to understand the cultures of sex.
I would participate in sex research given the opportunity.
My current lover does not sufficiently meet my sexual needs.
I currently have a 'crush' on someone of the same sex.
I have had sex at my place of employment.
I am often disappointed in my sexual relationships.
Some people might describe me as a nymphomaniac.
I am difficult to live with if I'm not having sex on a regular basis.
I sleep better with someone snuggled up next to me.
I have had sex under water.
I have had sex in the snow.
I am in a polyamorous relationship.
I have to have music playing while having sex.
I have had more than ten orgasms in one night.*
I have flashed strangers.
I have given sex as a gift.
I have set-up a three-way for my lover.
I stopped during this list to have sex.*

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

One more thing. And this is important. Then I promise I'll leave you alone.

I was watching the most fabulous porn tonight. Don't act shocked, you do it too. Anyway, this was possibly the greatest sex scene I've ever seen. And I'm not easily impressed. This chick was flex-i-ble. Crazy. Anyway, so I'm all into it thinking how incredibly hot it is when I realize he's wearing socks.

Boys, for the love of god, take your damn socks off.

And that is all.
and just a quick note. don't know how much i'll be out in the coming days, but i'll for sure be out on October 21st for Stoney and The Lost Trailers.

Who's drivin' me home?
I win the prize.

My phone bill was so long they sent it in a special envelope. Are you ready? Drumroll, please.

32 pages.

Yes, I am well connected. The great thing is that it was only a few dollars more than usual 1) because I used 411 when I couldn't find a couple of things on Google and 2) I went over my 1000 text message limit by 117.

I may very well be developing arthritis in my thumb from all the text messaging. But it's well worth it, trust me. Anyway, just thought I'd proclaim my news to the world. Bow down to the Cingular goddess. :)
I'm skipping class tonight. I need a break.

I'm not trying to sound snobby or anything, but it wears me out having to sit for 2 hours and listen to people state the obvious. We covered all the topics of discussion on social problems my last 2 years at OCU. OU's a little behind. But that's to be expected, I suppose. You know, public education and all.

Hahhaa. That was bitchy of me, wasn't it. :)

Anyway, somebody in the office got a dozen of the most massive red roses I've ever seen. She must have done something really good. :) Or just have someone who loves her and doesn't mind showing it...

Someday I'll quit screwing things up enough to have that. Maybe. But it's doubtful. I can't live without the drama. Hey let's completely dismantle this thing and see what happens. Yep, that's me. But at least I've got some good stories.

Anyway, if anybody gets bored tonight, HOLLER at me. I'll be at home.

Monday, September 05, 2005

They laughed me out of that school, they laughed me out of that town, and now I'm going home. (That's what she said about going back to her 10 year high school reunion in Port Arthur, Texas.)

They asked her if she went to the prom. She said No. They asked, Why not?

Nobody asked me.

They said, What do you like most about Port Arthur? She said,

No comment.

It's all about getting out and starting over. Doing what you wanna do and making it up as you go. And trying not to go racing over the edge.

Some of us fare better than others.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

KC Ren Faire

KC Ren Faire
Originally uploaded by Daisy Girl.

Greetings from mom's hacienda in Sunny KC! This place is massive. Good job, mom. My room is downstairs all the way at the other end of the house which makes it perfect for late night drunk dials... getting them, not making them. They've got a little yippy dog named Muffy. She's hilarious. She was born without a knee joint in one of her back legs. So she runs and her little leg just whaps around in circles like a little paddle. It's so cute.

Anyway, we're going to the Ren Faire today and Maroline has requested that I lips a pirate in lieu of her attendance. Obviously, I agreed.

I got lost on the way here yesterday. But it was a cool drive, at least after you pass the Missouri state line. I was way out in the hills somewhere and ended up on Jesse James' farm. No joke. Anyway, gotta get, but everybody have a fun and safe weekend!

Friday, September 02, 2005

FYI, the Victory House on 36th and MLK is getting in about 100 refugees from the hurricane this morning. These people lost everything they had. They are accepting donations of food and clothing.

I've got a closet full of clothes I never wear. I think I'm gonna take some up...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Shakespeare and Stoney

misshapen chaos
of well-seeming form
it looks like a
guitar player
sometimes I swear
I hung the
Texas moon
It's finally Thursday fucking night and it couldn't get here fast enough. Hey, I remember when Thursday night was officially the start of my weekend. Oh well. The sacrifices we make to preserve a little self-respect...

Anyway, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about changes. The ones happening in my life right now are spot on. Very good. And I dig the fact that people exist in my life who are used to doing the same damn thing all the time but are open to and maybe even a little excited about doing something totally out of their element. That kicks ass. And then I got to thinking about that. And I think I may be a little bit of a freak, but I dig hanging out at a storage shed drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and listening to a shitty band that loves what they do, and I also dig standing around in an art museum by myself for hours and watching foreign films... I think that makes me odd, but I love it.

Anyway, just doing a little thinking about that. And now I'm hungry. I think I'm gonna go grab a spoon and the french onion dip.

I don't know why I do this to myself. I was having lunch at Subway this afternoon when I realized where I was-- corner of Robinson and Porter. I was just wondering around and happened to find a Subway, so I stopped there. I haven't been in that part of Norman in 9 years. So I had to drive by and see the gym where we used to practice in high school.

Freak. I broke down. Man, some of the best, worst, hardest, most frustrating, most rewarding times of my life were spent in that little building. Then I started thinking about mom and dad and I started crying. It's weird to think that you can be a grown person and still be affected by that kinda stuff. And it's also weird to me that I hated living at home with them together b/c all they did was hate each other but I still get upset now that we don't have a family unit in tact. Life's a bitch, I guess. I dunno. Anyway, I need to find out where Coach Harper is and drop him a line. I'm sure he's at some other school now winning state championships and taking shit from parents who think he pushes their girls too hard.

Anyway, guess it's story time with Daisy. Sometimes I gotta work out my own stuff. Everybody should do it more often.

It's only a day and a half til the weekend. WOOO HOOO!