Sunday, May 30, 2004

The Plot Thickens...

HE called YOU a slut?

That's what I heard. Didn't even have the balls to say it to my face.

Hell if sex was fast food, he'd have the golden arches over his bed. I'm trying to count on my fingers all of my friends that he's screwed and I'm already on my second hand.


Hey, by the way, who's Romy?

Saturday, May 29, 2004


I'm a terrible pretender. I can't sit here and act like I give a damn.

I'm a firm believer everything happens for a reason. Sometimes I don't always know those reasons, and I wouldn't pretend to. Yeah, it would be great to have all the answers like some people do, apparently, but my journey's not quite that simple. Thank God. My parents moved me to Oklahoma when I was seven years old. It was for a reason. On the surface, it was for more money. We got more money. We got a brand new quarter of a million dollar house. We got private school education. We got brand new cars. And we sold our souls to the Baptist Bible Belt. I still haven't figured out the real reason I'm here. But I know part of it, at least, is to learn. To learn from people who are different than me, who think differently from me. To learn that I am different from them, and to value those differences. Sometimes that gets hard. But only when it gets personal.

The last seven years of my life have been very difficult ones, and yet very profitable ones. I have learned many things. One being how to handle incredibly painful situations without losing my soul. Two, learning who Ashly is and being comfortable with that person, in and of herself. Three, learning to love others even when they hurt me, understanding that most of their actions come out of pain.

Most of the time I want to lay my heart out, open for the world to see and I offer it as my truth, take it for what it's worth. I try to be open and ask people to understand. There are those, that for whatever reason, don't look closely enough, and make misjudgments about who I am. This is nothing new to me. When you grow up in a state that is predominantly Baptist, and your last name defines who you are for most of your life, you get used to people thinking their opinions of your life matter for some reason. I've never quite figured this out. In my younger years, I always thought people were just jealous. People I'd never even met in my life hated me because I didn't speak to them when I passed them in the hall. So people making judgment calls about who I am, how I am, is nothing new at all to me.

It's always been personal. The attacks have always been directed at the most intimate and personal parts of my life. And this is because I open myself up for people to know, to understand. And with the good, comes the bad. There are people in my life who know me. Who make an effort to see past the flaws and appreciate the intimacy that comes from being honest and real with people. Then there are those who read my blog. And for whatever reason, that becomes who Ashly is in their eyes. Words on a computer screen personified. It's interesting to think you could define a person by a web address. But in my circles, you also get defined by who you know, what music you listen to, your opinion of who's talented and who's not, and on and on and on. And apparently you get defined by your alleged sex life.

It makes me sad that there are still guys out there that think because a girl likes to have sex, just like he does, that she's a slut. I mean, we've never actually defined slut. How many guys does a girl have to sleep with to actually be a slut? Is it a physical action, or is it a mindset? Does having sex with lots of people make you a slut, or does merely liking sex make you a slut? It's a good question. And I wish the people with all the answers would answer this one. Because I'm curious. Because if you wanna talk numbers, let's talk numbers. If not, please expound on your rationale that I am "slutty."

I just wanna say a few things in closing, one: you don't know me, so until you do, back off on the name calling. Two: take up golf, go jog around the block, invest in some good porn-- do something to take your frustration out elsewhere. Three: I find it interesting that someone I have never had even the least sexual thought about or contact with finds it necessary to talk about me in a sexual way. Who's the slut now?

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

it's a really nice feeling to have no dirty laundry, clean sheets, and brand new fluffy pillows. all is well and ashly can go to bed now. yes, alone. i know you were wondering ;) (well, does tucker count?)

so what a day today was. caroline, who will affectionately henceforth be known as maroline because i can't conceive of calling her anything else, stopped by work today for a bit. so we had some sweet and sour chicken and caught up for a few. always a pleasure. yay for tall single girls! and the rest of my day was spent being the nagging boss trying to light a fire under some peoples (well, just one person's) butt. i don't know about you, but people who leave very important and crucial things to the very last second drive me nuts. especially when i've been asking them to do something for 2 weeks now. it's gotta be done by 5 p.m. tomorrow. and i'm outta the office tomorrow. so finally i just had to say, look, i've done all i can. this is all on you now. if this thing is a go, it's because you did your job. if it doesn't happen, then you get to do the explaining.

anywho, what a crazy weekend this will be. as you all know, dad's getting married friday night. so the rehearsal is tomorrow. the lovely and talented andrew will be providing the entertainment and is my major incentive to attend. that's bad, i know. but hey, i'm going. then it's to my long lost home away from home, the WD to see steve, chad, and kevmo. Then to the wedding friday night and to the dog. all in all, should be a party. will need all the liquor i can get. family's in town. dani will probably be out in full swing as well. clear the bar we're comin through.

peace out and have a lovely weekend ya'll.
The drama never ends.

So I spent a good half hour with Oklahoma City's Sergeant McCoy, listening to Shawna give her report of her ex-husband's violation of a VPO for making death threats.

Yeah, so. It's like COPS up in this place. Bad boys bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you...

All I got to say is people, if you have any and I mean ANY reservations about the person you are marrying, don't.

Cuz as my dad would say, "Nobody makes it out alive."
The bug strikes again!

I guess it's my bad for not recognizing the fame the new pictures on the Wormy Dog site were bringing me. I got an email from the infamous Maroline Dixie Cosely this morning. She's a long lost gal pal from back in the good ol' days. Back when the shenanigans and tomfoolery were plentiful. She was most notorious for letting ugly girls walk around with their shirts tucked into their panties and letting the GD bomb slip on youth mission trips. Yeah, those were the days.

So not only are the new pictures for the WD providing great advertisement and marketing to get people to come party with us up in tha spot, they are also putting me back in touch with all my old girly girls. Many thanks, Kevmo.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Ok. I gotta give the Dumbass of the Year Award to the railway worker in Philadelphia who put that motion detector in the field by his station to know when his supervisors were approaching. The Fed's woulda never thought of that. If there's a motion detector in a conspicuous place, it MUST be terrorism. It couldn't just be the lazy ass who's having a beer and browsing his porn collection looking out for approaching supervisors. This is America after all.

And how dumb does the media think we really are. Come on. Shampoo that causes memory loss? Umm. People have been using manufactured shampoo for like over a hundred years now. Nobody's lost their minds yet. Or have they? That poor Ronald Reagan. He was a victim of some bad shampoo. Guess he just took that "repeat" step just a little too far. Gimme a break.
Ok. I am officially tired and cranky. Maybe because I'm uhh.. hemorrhaging. I know you're all going eww gross Ashly. But hey, it's a part of life and it sucks just as much as it sounds like it does. This whole not bein on the pill thing just isn't all it's cracked up to be so far. I'm gonna give it a month and then i'm back on if something doesn't give. F this.

I guess my life could be worse. I could be like Matt and just have lost all my Enya on my iPod. Damn.

I keep getting blind sided lately. You think you know what you're doing just bee-boppin along through life then WHACK! Something hits ya, right outta the blue.

One of the most angry and bitter people I've ever known in my life has started therapy. After years and years of making bad decisions, hurting other people, and influencing those around him to make bad decisions, he's finally getting help. Who'da thunk it? I'm speechless. Maybe there is hope for the world after all.

There are other things going on that are just totally catching me off guard too. Most of them I cannot divulge over the www because, for now, they are G-14 classified. **wink**wink**

And a door I've been trying to pry open inch by inch for the last year swung wide open this morning. What a great feeling that is. We're just gonna pick up our stuff, walk right on out that door, take one look back at the past and move on. Awesome.

You know, there are people who don't think I'm capable because I'm 24. I can't even rent a car yet. But I never lie about my age. You know why? Well, first is because I'm confident enough in myself that who gives a rats ass what they think. They don't know me. Secondly, I think my life and my work speak for themselves. If they are too lazy to make the effort to see those things, or are just not intelligent enough, then that's on them and I definitely do not need the approval or lazy and/or ignorant people. So MOVE bitch! Get out tha way!

Anyway, hope everybody's Tuesday is fabulous! Hope mine is too!

Over and out.

Monday, May 24, 2004

So I'm in full on work mode today. Re-writing policies and procedures, ordering books, blah blah blah, writing new client exit interviews and all that. Fun fun.

I seem to have quite a task on my hands. Oh well. I guess that's what I'm here for.

My life has been changing alot lately. New people, new places, old people taking on new roles, and things of that nature. It's quite interesting actually. But I'm ready for some of my party time to come back, but it seems like it's going to be a month or so before that happens. I'm trying to make time to relax in between, but I still need more. I'm going to take a small vacation here before too long. And if I have to go by myself, so be it. I just need a respite from my life to recharge for a few days.

Punani Dani is in town this week for the infamous wedding this weekend. She suggested we show up intoxicated. I might take her up on her offer. It's going to be a hard day. But we've been raised to put on our happy faces so I'm sure we'll just launch into full on performance mode and get it done with. But I'm sad. I feel like I'm losing my dad. And I don't want to... the new family and that whole bit. But I suppose it's his choice how he spends his time, so I guess we'll see.

Anywho, hope everyone's Monday is successful and happy.

Maybe I'll be back later with something brilliant to say.


Sunday, May 23, 2004


I'm home. I'm tired and cranky. And in desperate need of some lovin. Thankfully I cleaned house before I left, so I came home to a nice neat house. That's a good feeling.

I'm not doing laundry tonight. I might unpack later. I'm exhausted. I'm dreading tomorrow. Here comes work, here comes reality, and here comes the 12 month valium prescription.

Check out my swamp pictures. Fun stuff.

More madness to come.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Day 2 1/2 in Baton Rouge. Today was a hard day. I was locked in a conference room with 8 other non profit directors for 9 hours. We even worked through lunch, and we're doing the same thing tomorrow. So yeah, there are certain people that are grating on my nerves. You know those people who talk constantly and are always asking questions? Yeah, she sits right in front of me. And not only does she incesantly ask questions, she finds a sweetly condescending way to sneak in her seriously skewed opinions that no one asked for in the first place. Take that for 9 solid hours for 2 days in a row then tell me you don't want to kill her.

Anyway, I haven't gotten much sleep while I'm here because we keep finding fun things to do at night. And Kindra Jane called tonight wanting me to go out, but I had to decline seeing as how I'm like a million miles away. But we've got plans for next week. So Habana Inn beware!!!!! hahahaa. Just kidding. Maybe.

Anyway, I am on major stress overload and will need a vaction ASAP. I cannot graduate college, take over a medical non profit, and start a major funding campagne all at the same time. No wait. Yes, I can. That's exactly what I'm doing.

I need a coastline, a pink drink with a cute little umbrella on the top, and a swanky, dark skinned manservant named Juan Carlos.

Juan Carlos! Aqui! Pronto!
Baton Rouge

So tonight we went for a quick jont into New Orleans. French Quarter baby. Titty bars, lots of beer, drunk girls. Even drunker boys. Alas, this is business so we just had dinner. But we're still having a good time. But I can't get home fast enough.

I miss my cat :)

I miss my bed :)

And it's too hot here.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Ok, so in my absence I know you will be totally bored during your work day without your favorite blog to read. So here are the blogs I highly recommend to waste your day away with:

Final Girl
Badass Website (A gateway to several fabulous blogs, including Sweet Website)
Tony Pierce
Steph Does Southbeach
Lick Magazine

And of course, any of the other fabulous blogs I have linked right here ------------------------------------>

Happy reading!
I hope everyone's having a fabulous day :) Tonight I leave for Baton Rouge for a conference for work. It promises to be a long and overwhelming weekend. I'll be back Sunday, so everyone who goes out this weekend, have one for me! Whitney should be back on the scene (aka in town) this weekend, so hopefully we'll here an update on her in the not too distant future!

Miss me!

Peace out :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

This was just too good of a girly photo opp to pass up :)
You know what they say, "Lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." Thank God I have friends who will go into full on emergency mode when I need them :) Seriously though, this is not totally due to my lack of planning. It's pretty much due to the uninformedness of the people in the office where I work. Uh, have I ever been involved in the creation of our Southwestern Bell or Feist adds before? No. Yet suddenly when our SWB rep calls and said he needs the new add and logo TODAY it all falls on my shoulders. I think you call that blind sided.

So fortunately, I have a fabulous friend in graphic design who's willing to put his things on hold for a few to help solve my advertising crisis.

And he will be amply rewarded :) Ok, I think that may have come out wrong. I'm just saying he won't be doing it for free :) Everybody should have friends like this.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Girls Talking about Sex

So lately I've noticed there are an inordinately large amount of strippers/hookers/call girls/sex workers who are blogging up a storm and causing a torrid flurry of testosterone and estrogen (yes, estrogen) induced addictions to the detailed accounts of various blow jobs and freaky deaky sex acts in the blog world.

Some of them seem to be rather mindless, yet very descriptive as to pull you in and give you just enough to get your favorite booty call on speed dial. Some of them started out great, then got book deals and went to shit. Some of them started out really hot, wild, and carefree, then real life and shitty relationships set in. I actually read a blog today of a girl who gets naked in front of men and makes hella money by just letting them imagine they can be with her. And she made a case for "the personal" being "political." Naturally, this is the major thing that caught my eye because the premise that "the personal is political" is the major foundation for Feminist Theory in therapy. And I have always heard that women who use their bodies for money have a deep-seeded hatred for men that manifests itself by controlling them, using them essentially, for money. I buy it. But I think it's more complicated than that. Because the man is also using her for some kind of distant, not quite immediate, fantasy he can only almost have. So it's a kind of mutual using. Hate the using but feed off it at the same time. It gets complicated.

Anyway, that's not my point. I've been called many things as a result of talking about sex in my blog. And as far as I know, none of them have really been derogatory. But I always take that risk. But here's the thing. I am a woman who is educated, driven, purposeful, caring, compassionate, and creative. But that's not all of me. If I leave sex out of my writing, I leave part of the truth out. And partial truth is... well, I'm sure your mother went over this one with you. So there it is. I guess my point is, I don't tell you about my feelings and my experiences in the sexual part of my life to get hits. And to get laid. Although, if it happens, it happens. KIDDING! But just for once, I would like to do my little part in teaching the world how to accept a woman who is both purposeful and erotic; domestic and goal-oriented; thoughtful and outspoken. I don't wanna have to choose between the Madonna and the whore anymore. Because I'm a little bit of both. And I like it that way, because that's the way it should be.
So another day is almost over. Today has flown by. I guess it's because I've kept busy all day instead of constantly farting around on the internet. This new job thing's gonna keep me pretty busy I'm sure. So I'm leaving Wednesday night to go to Baton Rouge for a medical conference. Yep, I get to hang out with a bunch of nurses and doctors for 3 days. Fun fun. But it's all part of the job. I'll be going to DC for a week in September. Not sure it's the smartest time to go, but should still be fun seeing as how it will be a month before elections. HEY MATT. Maybe I'll get you ANOTHER NRA sticker cuz I'm sure they'll all be out in full force. :)

Anyway, hope everybody's Monday was good. Plans are still up in the air for my Monday night but I'm sure I'll find some sorta trouble to get into.
If you have a kitty, be a part of the Infinite Cat Project!

Yay kitties!
Jackie's googling herself again. I know her mother told her that proper young women wouldn't do such a thing. But that's Jackie :)

At least I hope that was you, Boogie... if not, someone's trying to get the 411 on you and got my site instead. I'm sure that was an eye opener :)

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Lazy Sunday

I have done nothing today but eat, sleep, and watch movies. And I've done way too much of all three of them. I rented 3 movies last night thinking I'd have an Ashly night and just hang out. Plans changed just a little and I ended up only watching one of the movies. It was "Thirteen." Great flick. It's the harrowing and realistic tale of the life of a thirteen year old girl trying to sort out who she is among her friends and family. Her story is a scary one, but I see girls like her who walk into my office every day. It makes me thankful I was blessed with a good family.

Today I watched "Gothika" and "The House of Sand and Fog." They were both pretty intense. I had heard Gothika was a let down, but I really enjoyed it. Not the best suspense/thriller I've ever seen but it definitely held my attention. I give it 2 thumbs up. "The House of Sand and Fog"... hmmm. Where to start? It's in the same genre as "Mystic River," if any of you guys saw that. You turn the movie off at the end just shaking your head and saying WTF. But I definitely give it 2 thumbs up for the emotional intensity of the subject matter. So check it out next time you're at Blockbuster.

Anywho, Sopranos is on so I gotta get back to watching more TV. :) Everybody have a happy Monday!

Friday, May 14, 2004

I know I've been busy with work and the whole graduation fiasco lately and I feel like I've neglected my readers of the more juicy tidbits of my life. So I thought maybe I'd let you in on a little phone conversation I had this morning. It went a little something like this:

What's up chica licka? How was your night?
Well, let's just say if we were watching Sesame Street, 4 would be the number of the day.
Four? Wow. I hear that! I had five.
Yeah, but I had four and a bottle of wine. And you know how impossible that is.
Yeah and I'm still feelin it.
Tell me about it.

You gotta be careful eating Taco Bell after midnight :)

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Can't not NOT get enough alcohol in the middle of the work day :)

That's right.

This free audio blogging thing could be a bad deal. This is the very reason I don't have a webcam. It's harder to be a porn star when the only outlet you have is a keyboard.

Hey maybe I could start charging. It'd be like one way phone sex.

So I was talking to Marvin here a couple days ago.
He says, Ash, you need a change see. This blog thing is tired.
But Marvin, it's worked really well for me so far. What about my trusty dusty readers and ever faithful commenters?
Damn imbeciles.
Marvin! Don't you dare talk that way about my lovers!
Listen kid, all I'm sayin is you need a change. See, if the man takes a clickety click click and ends up on, you're screwed in the pooch. You know that right?
I suppose you're right Marvin. Maybe we can compromise.

...coming soon.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Can I Just Say

There are three people I could have ended up being:

#1) The chick in the trailer park with an abusive, alcoholic husband and six kids.

#2) The chick who's married and still not really sure why. But all she knows is that she really wishes she'd have finished school but now she's got a newborn to take care of and a husband who's never really home.

#3) A chick who's husband drug her to China to be a missionary for two years.

Thank God I didn't marry any of those boys. And two of them actually asked. No thanks. I'm holding out :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Lest you think Ashly's lost her edge... I wanna talk about something other than work.

As we are all well aware, this time in my life is one of crazy change. I look around and I see everything changing. And a lot of letting go. Letting go of old routines, of friendships, of relationships, of marriages, of fears, of doubts, of unhappiness, of being alone. I guess what I'm trying to say is I see endings and beginnings happening in my life and all around me. And I know that eventually the things that are beginning now will end in one way, shape or form, and will morph into something else new. The hard thing is learning to be flexible enough to just go with it, no matter what's going on, whether it's an ending or a beginning. I pride myself on doing things gracefully whether it's being single, or getting older, making a point in an argument, or getting out of the car in a short skirt and heels. But I find it's getting harder. And sometimes I find myself flat on my butt looking like an idiot because I wasn't relaxed enough to just let life happen. And other times I just wear myself out just for the sake of being melodramatic. I'm a libra. I'm allowed.

I had such a moment at 8:30 a.m. this morning. I've found that I don't work well with people who 1) won't communicate with me and/or 2) won't let me communicate with them. I thrive on talking. My pet peeve is a person who expects me to be a mind reader (and people who are constantly late). And unfortunately when no talking is going on, and there is talking that needs to be done, it often comes out in unhealthy ways. Often in a) sarcasm b) hatefulness c) uncontrollable crying. And then nobody wins. I had one of those moments today with a very close friend. Our relationship is in a different stage today. It's way different than it used to be and it feels like a new pair of expensive strappy sandals. They kinda hurt but no way are you throwing them out because you paid an arm and a leg for them... and they make your legs look fabulous. But when all was said and done, I resigned myself to the fact that these were not my broken in and comfortable nikes that I used to wear to go sloshing through the mud when it's rainy out. They may not be too familiar, but they are valuable to me none the less. And I don't want to take them back. Cuz who wants to be barefoot in a concrete jungle? Not me.

All of that to say, yeah, I'm gonna make it after all. And letting go is not always a bad thing. Especially if it means sexy new shoes.
Year end profit/loss statements.
Clientele percentage increases.
Annual funding increases.
Pink highlighters.

This is my life today. Yuck.

But the numbers look excellent, so show me the money honey.
Wow. So I'm not my usual blogging self lately. Sorry.

I've got so much going on in EVERY area of my life right now. School's over and here comes life.

Gotta new job that I'm officially being interviewed for by my board of directors of June 14th. Gotta get my presentation ready for that. Going to a medical conference next week in Louisiana. So much to do. But mostly good stuff.

My lil sis turns 21 years old today :) I'm so proud of her. We're gonna party like rock stars when she comes home in a couple of weeks.

Ok. Gotta whole lotta relationship thoughts today, maybe I'll blog them later.

Peace out. word to your mother.

Sunday, May 09, 2004


Ok. That was one of the greatest weekends in memory. Ever. So I ended up graduating with honors. Who knew? I'm officially a brainy smurf.

The ceremony was like an hour and a half long and I didn't hear one word of it. It was like a party on the floor. I don't think anybody cared about anything but walking across that stage... what's bad is when we were all standing in line, waiting to take our turns all that could be heard were things like, "Hell yeah! Tonight at my place 11 p.m.!" And other words like "Goldschlager" and "Patron."

So after the awkward and obligational meals with the parents the freakin party ensued. I vaguely remember plans to hit the Wormy Dog but I guess I never made it there. The night started at Henry Hudsons with my fellow English Degree holders and a couple of my professors. Yeah, that was fun. I learned things I never knew. After three years, I finally learned something new :) Then the party moved to Edna's, which is apparently the quintessential college bar off Classen and NW Expressway. I'd never been, but it seems pretty cool. By this time everybody was pretty primed. But then. OH THEN. Somebody said, "Let's hit the Copa!"

As in "The Copa, Copa Cabana..." Yeah, it's in the Habana Inn. And OMG we went out in full swing. There were kissing boys, drag queens, and gay men wearing leather chaps galore. And it was fabulous. We danced our asses off. And I learned more new things :)

As the night wore on well into the morning, we all went our separate ways, tired, sweaty, intoxicated, and educated. It was the best weekend I've had, probably ever. Definitely one I'll never forget. That and the cute gay boy at the bar who told me he loved my earrings. That was fun :)

So, I'm definitely lacking on sleep. I think I may have gotten a total of 6 hours in over the last 2 days. And tomorrow it's back to the grindstone. I have a board meeting tomorrow night that promises to be interesting and informative about my potential job change. So we'll see.

Oh yeah, and I cleaned up with the $$ for graduation. I won't tell you how much because you'll just call me a spoiled brat, but I'll just say a nice vacation is in my near future.

Friday, May 07, 2004

Look how sweet my baby boy is :) I slept on the floor in the bathroom once. Turned out I had food poisoning. Yeah, that wasn't so fun.

One More Party

Everybody's invited out for Cooder Graw on Saturday night at the WD OKC. I'll be there for my after graduation party which promises to be a massive drunk fest. I hope Jeff's working.

Anyway, this means YOU Whitney. I know you gotta get up for church but stop by and say Hi... And my girls from Stilly. Come down and join the festivities :)

Anyway, at least I'll be out in full swing.
Procrastinate Now!

Well, I woke up straight up pissed off this morning. Today, Friday, is my only day this week that I don't have work and/or school related activities, and I can sleep in. I turned my ringer off last night (or so I thought), seems I only got it down to a level 1 on the volume scale instead of 0. Well, Ring-a-ling! Ring-a-ling! at 8 freakin 30. What the hell do you want??? Well, I got some nice flowers for graduation outta the deal so I guess I can't hate that much.

Then I got my ass back in bed and Holy Shit! It's 1 p.m.!! I'm telling you guys, Tylenol PM does wonders for sleep. So I'm sittin here looking at my dirty house, thinking I gotta clean it before everybody gets in town tonight. And I mean EVERYBODY... even relatives I haven't seen in years. Apparently everybody's really "proud" of me, because I guess there was a point in time where they thought this day would never come. Geez people. Have a little faith in a girl. Just cuz she's a little unstable and likes running around with bad boys and living like a rock star doesn't mean she'll never finish college. It just means she'll have more fun doing it.

So Whitney's living vicariously through my blog. Happy to be an outlet for you dear. You'll be up and running at Full Whitney Status in no time. I know it! Tina called me "Ashly, the lovely sex machine" last night in her blog. I LOVE IT :) Thanks chica. And check out my new link, Little Diary, she's a call girl from LA. And she digs on some too.

So I guess those were my plugs for the day. Whatever you do, do NOT go to Sweetwebsite and listen to the audio blog. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Thursday, May 06, 2004

All is Right in the World

Kudos to the writers of the final episode of America's favorite TV show. And thank God it didn't go the way of Dawson's creek where Rachel would have picked Joey.
Keepin it on tha heezy frasheezy

Word. Check it. I'm gonna have an "I'm not getting married" shower. I'm gonna register at Pottery Barn and all you bitches are gonna buy me somethin.

Let's get to the point. Let's roll another joint and head on down the road somewhere.

I gotta go.

Cuz you don't know how it feels to be a junior alcoholic in training. Well, maybe you do. It's not such a bad thing. So all my peeps are coming to the main event on Saturday morning. Should be an interesting mix. It's actually gonna be quite comical, I'm sure. Ex In Law's who hate each other, ex boyfriends and current boyfriends galore, Dad's new woman, a couple of chicas who know ALL my secrets, and then me, the drunk girl on the fourth row.

Step right up, step right up. See the most exciting and f'd up show in town. Cirque du sol-Ashly's getting a degree.

Alright it's back to the grindstone... sweety, if you don't wanna baby don't let him give you the candy... yeah I know it tastes good...

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

So Things are Looking Up in the World

Dave figured out he likes being sober AND got a cool job.
Chad and Beth are finally getting hitched.
Whitney is getting orders and going to New York.
Kevin got a raise.
I'm graduating and becoming the new Executive Director of a non-profit org.
I got a new car.
My sister is coming home.
And I'm feeling very loved lately.

I'm waiting for the bottom to fall out :)

Just kidding.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

If I were a month I would be: October
If I were a day of the week I would be: Hump Day of course
If I were a time of day I would be: 5 p.m.
If I were a planet I would be: Mars, cuz I don't mind being explored :)
If I were a sea animal I would be: a star fish
If I were a direction I would be: West baby. West.
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: covered by Rachel Ashwell
If I were a sin I would be: drunkenessfornicationadulterypride
If I were a historical figure I would be: Marie Antionette
If I were a liquid I would be: Rumplminz cut it smells good and will F you up :)
If I were a tree I would be: a fake Christmas tree
If I were a flower/plant I would be: a pink daisy
If I were the weather I would be: everything autumn
If I were a musical instrument I would be: a Diasy Rock guitar or possibly my Dean Radiant
If I were an animal I would be: a bunny rabbit
If I were a color I would be: white
If I were a vegetable I would be: green beans because they taste great and are good for you :)
If I were a sound I would be: hahhaha. no comment. See Ms. Jackson's album, All for you, #8
If I were an element I would be: ether
If I were a car I would be: 1964 Mustang Convertible
If I were a song I would be: "Feelin' Way too Damn Good" Nickelback
If I were a movie I would be directed by: Tarentino, so all my guy friends would like it.
If I were a book I would be written by: Kate Chopin
If I were a food I would be: chocolate covered strawberries
If I were a place I would be: Malibu, California OR The Lake District in England
If I were a material I would be: 100% pure Italian silk
If I were a taste I would be: a coke icee
If I were a scent I would be: rose petals
If I were a word I would be: See or Yes
If I were an object I would be: a piano
If I were a body part I would be: the fingertips
If I were a facial expression I would be: the lock-n-load when I see him across the room
If I were a shape I would be a: cylinder
If I were a number I would be: 4
If I were a cartoon character I would be: She-Ra, Princess of Power
My Entertainment for the Day

So I took the day off to study. Have I cracked a book. Nope. I plan on it though, I do. Really.

So I went to get my oil changed. I walk into the tiny little waiting room and there is a mom, dad, and little boy all sitting there talking to each other. Then there's this massive black dude sitting in the corner, all decked out in his pimp gear complete with bling bling. So the little white dude that's no more than 5 feet tall and playing with his kid looks at the black dude and says, "Don't you think that guy changing your oil looks like Bruce Willis?"

"Who's that?"

"You know, that guy Bruce Willis, the movie star."

(In his best intimidating low and very agitated voice said,)"I'm not a TV freak."

At this point I was scared. I was like, little white dude, you should probably not bother this guy cuz I'm guessin he doesn't wanna talk.

So he and his wife go on and on about how Bruce Willis has been on David Letterman and how he was married to Demi Moore. The little guy was like, "And what were those movies he did?" I wanted to say, Die Hard you dumb ass, but no way was I getting into this conversation. And they just KEPT on and this other dude had a look on his face like why in the hell are you talking to me.

Then the big black guy goes, "I only watch movies and boxing."

And here's the kicker. I almost had to run to the bathroom to keep from peeing in my pants. The little white guy goes, "Oh yeah, you know that movie Rocky? I love that movie! I have Rocky 1, 2, 3, 4, AND 5. The whole set! It just really inspires me to work out. And I love the music."

The big black dude just took one big deep breath, turned around and walked away.

I thought for sure any minute the little dude was gonna bust out into Eye of the Tiger. But luckily he didn't.

I didn't stop laughing for like an hour. But anyway, that was my entertainment for the day. Now I **must** go study!!
So today is pretty much the last day I'll have to spend studying as an undergrad :)

After approximately 7:30 p.m. this evening, it will be what we call, smooth sailin. I've got another final Thursday morning, but it'll be easy cheesy.

If you guys haven't checked him out, I've got a new link up. You'll dig the hell outta him.

Have a great day! Just remember what Dani told me last night, "Why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly?"

Words to live by.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Kevmo is the ultimate rock star!

There's your link babe :)

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Well boys and girls, it is officially 5:02 a.m. in the big city.

This morning marks the end of one of the best weekends in recent memory.

After the party at the Wormy Dog Friday, I slept til 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. After regaining consciousness, I threw on the tennis shoes and threw up the hair into a ponytail and headed to Stillwater for the world famous Calf Fry. Please don't send me emails asking if they actually fry calves. No. They don't. Look it up. It's even worse.

I spent most of my night cultivating my taste for Bud Light and trying to figure out how bathrooms on charter buses are supposed to work. In the meantime I got to hang out with some of my favorite rock stars in the world. As it turns out, Steve Rice, Mr. No Justice himself, actually reads my blog, but he wants more pictures. Baby, I'm working on it. Plant me some pretty flowers and I'll post you some pretty pictures big boy :) Then there's Poncho. I think he's a little afraid that getting a tattoo will hurt. But I think I talked him through it. The next time I see him I expect to see a lonestar on each forearm.

I will heretofore be known as the "pretty eyes" on Matt's (badass) website. Oh that's you? You're Ashly? Hey!

Yeah, that's me!

So eventually things ended up at the Dog in Stillwater. I was partyin up at the front with my girls Nikki, Nancy, and Carrie and all of the sudden I look over and Mark Cary is standing there. Uhhhh, the party's here! Then followed Poncho, Shane, and Shannon. And before I knew it, there was a conspicuous character wearing the new and improved silver sparkly party glasses. Assuming I would have been able to see him, had he taken the party glasses off, I believe he would have resembled Mr. Roger Ray from The Stragglers. Boland got up and sang a song with Bleu, but he was just wearing regular sun glasses. I'm assuming it was because he's such a rock star he wants to make sure people see him. You know, if he was wearing the party glasses that would have been shot to shit. And he can't have that, I'm sure.

Which leads me to one of the funniest things I heard all night. Matt said, "It's like you have the No Justice fans and The Stragglers fans. It's the new Westside Story. Before you know it we're all gonna meet outside snapping and dancing and shit." Except he actually did the little dance which was way cute. And it made me laugh.

And I got to thinking. I really think Stillwater is like this voodoo town that casts its spell on people with even just an ounce of creativity. This is the second time I've driven home in the wee hours of the morning and the second time I've totally been inspired to write something. It's crazy. No wonder so much talent comes out of that town. You can't help it. At 4 a.m. the roads are empty and dark and the moon is bright above head. You gotta write. It's not an option. So I guess I'm starting to get it- this whole Stillwater phenomenon.

And with that, I'm heading to bed. I won't be up til the afternoon and then I'll be studying for finals. No. More. Beer. Not till next weekend.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

My life does not suck.

Last night was almost an Ashly night. Luckily I dragged my butt out for some party time. Yeah, standing backstage with Todd Snider, Jack Ingram, and doing shots of Jager with my Texas Jack boys was definitely a memory maker.

It was hands down the kick assest show I've ever seen.

I love my life.