Can I just be honest for a minute?
I had some rousing conversation last night about the nature of relationships that has my wheels turning and the adrenaline pumping.
Here are some random thoughts and comments:
1) I have a terribly hard time being honest at the moment.
2) I've always kind of known this, but it's really come to my attention lately that intelligent conversation turns me on. It's like out of a room of a hundred guys talking away, no matter how hot some of them are... I'll hear someone mention a book, an author, or a social topic and he becomes my sure bet.
3) I can't believe there are still people in the world (mostly I've come in contact with girls) who think that sex is the only act of intimacy on the planet. Sex means love. Without sex there is no love and vice versa. My God girls! Don't get me wrong, I've learned fairly recently how completely mindblowing it can be when it is a true expression of something very pure and real, but come on. To hold it to that standard alone? Basically I'm saying sex does not make the world go round to get it off that pedestal you've put it on. Standing alone, face to face, inches away from someone, and being completely silent can be one of the most intimate things you ever do.
Now some random rants about boys:
Boy #1: You're getting on my nerves. Possibly the most undependable person I know. You only call when you've got some random need that needs to be met. And trust me, mine haven't been met in years so quit acting like you're all that. And when you ask me how it is with someone else and I say, "different,"... just a hint, different means better.
Boy #2: I feel only mildly weird around you at this point. I know we had an awkward moment back in the day, but it's getting better. I still think you're incredible. A little unsure of yourself maybe, but still incredible.
Boy #3: Ummm yeah. Man, what I wouldn't give. You can proudly take your place among the ranks of the most intelligent people with the most talent, who spend years of their lives convincing the wrong people they're worth it. Most of the time I just wish you could see what I see. It would change your world.
And shout out's to my girls:
Girl #1: Fabulous dahling. Enough said.
Girl #2: I miss you. Come home.
Girl #3: You are one of the coolest chicks I've met in a loooong time. We are two peas in a pod and I can't wait to see how much we're going to accomplish together. We're gonna take this city by storm, I can feel it. You look good on stage and I look good on paper. You can't beat that.
That's all folks. For now. Holla back!