Every year we all say how thankful we are for our friends and family and yada yada yada. Yet, I still don't think most of us really stop to consider our lives at the moment and what we have to be thankful for. I've been thinking about it lately, and here's what I've got:
1) My education and the people who helped me get it. It is a long (almost 7 years just for undergrad) and ongoing road and it was full of discouragement but it has paid off. And I couldn't have done it without the handful of people who voiced their belief in me.
2) My mother. She is one of my best friends and we are truly kindred spirits. She's taught me how to freakin march straight through hell's fire and come out of it without a scratch. That woman is my hero.
3) My little sister. She was my arch enemy for the better part of 17 or 18 years. Luckily, we both grew up and now we're best friends. This is a good thing because next year she's going to med school and I want her to buy me a house. In California. With a view. On the beach.
4) My dad. When things get tight, he's the first one to pull me through. Completely and utterly dependable in tight situations. I've yet to meet a man who lives up to the dependability of my dad.
5) Elaine Smokewood and Marsha Keller. Two of the most different and fascinating women in the world. I wish I was able to see them more these days. If I become one tenth of who those women are when I'm their age, it will be a miracle. They taught me that change is always possible.
6) My high school basketball coach. To this day, he is on the list of top three people (outside my parents) who have influenced my life the most. He had a hard road and not everybody agreed with his methodology, but he finally got his state championship and he changed lives in the midst of it.
7) My job. I've been doing alot of thinking about this lately. I feel very constrained and limited in my scope of service at my job, yet I love it. The clients are the ones who keep me coming in day after day. Even though things aren't exactly as I'd like them to be, I know I'm here in this place for a reason. And I know most of that reason is to learn. I'm grateful for the learning experience, and I'm excited to see what it's going to produce down the road.
8) My friends. All of you. Without you guys, my life would be completely boring. And all of you are a part of this time in my life and you'll all probably be in the stories I tell the grandkids.
9) The one person this year who challenged me to really look at why I am the way I am. You're awesome. I know you were (are) in the middle of some really nasty and unpleasant things, but letting me go through that process with you changed who I am... or rather encouraged me to see the
real me, and to not settle for less. I hope I gave something back.
10) The blog. I'm thankful for the blog. Believe it or not, it's helped me avoid hours and days of psychosis. Even if I do get a bad case of the deletes every now and then. Self expression kicks ass and I've been quite proficient at it this year.
I'm thankful for a whole lot more things than just those 10. But that's all I'm going to type for now. Those are the big ones. So this holiday season, really take a couple of minutes to think about your life and how you got where you are. And tell the important people in your life thanks. And try to notice someone who's not having an easy time this season and give them some encouragement. Do the Kevmo thing and write them a note and pass it across the bar. Just do something. Happy Turkey Day!
[And yay for my 700th post!!]