And I'll finish this right after my nice relaxing bath, complete with bubbles and spa music.
Ok, I'm back. This is something you should know about me. There are two things I love above all else: bubble baths, and Pepsi Icee's from 7-11. I used to say when I was younger, if a boy wants to marry me all he has to do is show up with an Icee. And I remember one of my high school boyfriends coming over when I was sick once... he asked if he could bring me anything and I said an Icee. He brought me a slush. From Sonic. It was a bust. But of course, I just said thank you and smiled. That's me.
Things I probably won't do in 2005:
Start an exercise routine.
Get married.
Watch the Ashlee Simpson show.
Anyway, back to 2004. We haven't much time left. This year was phenomenal, all in all. I finished a 6 1/2 year stint in college and did it brilliantly, if I do say so myself. And I count myself very fortunate as I didn't have to sell my soul, float through it mindlessly, or fit into some preformed mold to get that little piece of paper. I've said it before, but my school and my professors are responsible for much of who I am today. I guess you could say they left a mark. Then I landed a job that I had no business landing and for some reason I have very accomplished and successful people praising me for my efforts. And I moved from a tiny one bedroom apartment in the seedy part of town to a 3 bedroom house in a better neighborhood. I still continue to look at my life and say how in the hell did any of this happen. I am not that good. I feel like some incredibly generous and gracious whirlwind swept me up and spit me out in Emerald City.
Sounds that will always remind me of 2004:
Goodnight Moon, Jack Ingram
Outkast, That song with all the instruments in it
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy, The freakshow with the rapper, a midget and 2 white guys
Comfortable, John Mayer
I've been thinking about the things I want to do differently in 2005... there are several things. One is to not take myself so seriously. I've discovered that I go through different phases, and they're very short lived I might add. They usually last about 2 weeks or so. And they span the gamut of issues in my life. For instance, my current phase is setting my mind to just play around for the next 2 1/2 years until I'm set up in my career to leave the state, then worry about finding my soul mate later. But if you would have asked me a month ago, I would have said, I wouldn't mind finding him now. I may have even used the word want. Ick, it makes me nauseous to even think about it now. I'm learning I'm just fluid like that. Just give me 2 seconds and I'll change. So I'm trying to love that part of me.
Another less dramatic thing is I'm trying to eat healthier. And this isn't a New Year's Resolution because I started it the beginning of this week. I guess I'm just getting a running start. More whole wheat. More veggies. So far, so good.
Most Interesting People I've Gotten to Know in 2004
Dave Ray
Jeff Franklin
Matt Gambrell
...they all have one thing in common... they're all great story tellers.
And I think 2005 will be a good year for the blog. I've fluctuated back and forth from bad girl to good girl to somebody in between. I think we can all agree we write while being conscious of our audience, and I think that's held me back alot. I do have to see some of these people face to face every now and then... but I think we've all had a good year of reading and commenting and whatnot and you have a general idea of where I'm coming from, so now I can start telling the truth. And you can still love me :) Or not, and that's ok too because I'll love you anyway.
I couldn't even begin to name all the people who were major parts of my life this year that I'm sure will continue to be on my drunk dial list well into the New Year. Many of them are linked to the left and some of them aren't. As for my predictions for 2005, I don't have many. I have a strict rule of simply riding the wave and seeing where it goes. I can say that I hope the new year sees more peace and less war, more love and less silence, more boldness and less timidity, and more and more happiness for all of you.
May you find what you truly desire and may we all do it gracefully.
Love and hugs and tons o' kisses.
Be safe out there.