Just got in from my run...
Those three miles are going by faster and faster every night... I think I just might make a routine of this... and if that's the case, I'll be wearing cute little corsets and low slung jeans everywhere in no time. And you know what, at that point in time, if that point in time comes (and if the pain my entire body is in is any indication, it won't be too long) none of you get a piece. None of yas. Unless, of course, you're already getting a piece now. :) And in that case, we'll just continue on our Nine Inch Nails and Rob Zombie merry little way. Ah, your curiosity is piqued, no?
The little sis traipses into town tomorrow evening and the dysFUNctional festivities begin. The grandparents follow suit on Friday night, the wedding is Saturday morning, I *hear* there's going to be some kind of party at my house Saturday afternoon, then it's out on the town with Dani Saturday night. So yeah, I'm booked.
Well, it's time to hit the showers and hit the hay. I just thought I'd write and tell you how much I love you tonight since I will have absolutely nothing to tell you tomorrow because my job drains the everloving life outta me.
**cue Mrs. Rosenberg**
Have a fabulous Thursday, dears. Today is the only June 23rd, 2005 you will ever have. What are you gonna do with it?
Kiss someone. Preferably me ;)
Ok, it's 1 a.m. and I can't sleep. We shouldn't run so late. I'm good to go for like the next 3 or 4 hours. Anyway, I was laying in bed not sleeping and the wheels were turning and of course I started thinking about sex. See, if I'm not having it, I'm thinking about it. I'm a guy that way. That's how God made me. I have friends who theorize that all repressed Baptist girls have this problem. But it happens, nonetheless. And I was specifically thinking about the fact that if I was never self-conscious about my body during sex (which I'm not to a certain extent) I would dig it even more than I do now. And that's kinda hard to imagine. I think that sex is the one time I get to kind of...how do you say...come out of my shell and not worry about what's going on around me or what's happening in my world or the world in general and just freakin have fun. And I can hear a couple of voices in my head right now saying, damn girl, if you got any more into than you do now, you'd give me a heart attack! And yeah, that makes me smile.
But then I started thinking about why I react differently to different guys in that situation. Sometimes I feel like I'm totally on top of the situation (haha) and other times, very rarely, but sometimes I feel totally stupid and naive and boring. Take for instance this one experience I had with a guy who was sweet and perfect and everything you could ask for when you come right down to that moment, but his previous experience included being with girls who apparently like to get naked, stand on their heads, spin around, scream quotes from their favorite anarchist while yielding various bondage devices and giving him the most incredible head he's ever had in his life (still upside down, mind you) all at the same time.
Who can top that? Of course I ended up feeling oafish and yawnable. I just like to have fun with it for what it is, and an outlandish performance (most times) is not in my repertoire. So why do I react differently to others than I did in that situation? I think it's because most of the people I've been with haven't really been around the block all that much... or it's been a really long time since they did. So the little things are magnificent to them. And girls like nothing better than to feel like they can set of actual literal firecrackers inside your body... sometimes with as little as a whispered word. Ok, maybe 2 words. Yum. :)
So what's the point of all this? I have no idea. They're just thoughts that run through my mind when it's 1 a.m. and I'm not sleeping. I guess the point is, I dig the simple things, because they can be the most rewarding. And with that said, I'm gonna go crawl back under the covers and try to shut this thing off.
Sweet dreams, ya'll.