Thursday, March 30, 2006

This message brough to you by: Procrastination.

I'm tired of coughing. Seriously. I'm over it. I quit taking the antibiotics because they were making my tummy hurt. So I guess the trade off is still not being able to get rid of all the green stuff in my head. It's slowly but surely getting better though.

Anyway, I thought it was supposed to hail cats and dogs this afternoon but I'm thinking it missed us somehow. Oh well. It's nice outside.

I have absolutely nothing to say. I'm putting off writing a paper that due in class tomorrow night. This weekend thing's gonna suck, but I'll be done with all of it and school in general in 5 weeks. (at least for a little while.)

Been working hard and lots of long hours. Good, I'll have comp time to go on interviews if anyone ever calls me back on the resumes I've sent out. Cross your fingers for me.

Over and out.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

This dress begs to be worn on the ferry on my way to the other side of the bay to have dinner with Nic.

But I guess for now it's going to have to settle for going under my cap and gown (assuming I ever get those ordered...) Anyway, what does it mean that whenever I'm feeling down, shopping always brings me right back up? I think it just proves my theory that I always have to have something to look forward too... the pretty package landing on my doorstep... the first time I get to wear it out... you know. I guess it's the little things.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Well, I've rejoined the land of the living, very reluctantly however. I think I'm having some adverse reactions to the antibiotics. I can't take penicillin because it makes me throw up, so the dr gave me something else. It's not much better. So I may just wing it and trust my body to heal itself.

I'm sure I didn't help matters this weekend. Went to the new Dirty's on Friday night. Pretty kick ass place. Then went to the dog saturday for the no justice festivities. It was a great night. Lots of friends, lots of fun! Lots of alcohol to cancel out my antibiotics. Sunday P and I laid around (literally) ALL day watching movies and listening to me whine about how crappy I felt. I missed a call from my Nics on the west siii-eeeeeddd and need to call her back today. Hope all is well in sunny california!

Well, I'm gonna go take my regular 3 hour lunch. Happy Monday!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Shit. I guess I got off easy.

Check this out.

Oh yeah. What a nice family. What great preacher he was. So young and charismatic. His wife and his children, oh how precious. She's is just the perfect example of how a wife and mother should be. The were truly the model Christian family.

Til she shot him in the back. Whoops.

Knowing what I know now, I'd say my mom took the high road.
Yippe ki oh ki AY!!

I've got an ear infection in BOTH ears. Went to the little urgent care clinic around here this morning because when I woke up, although I felt better, I felt like I was slowly turning into Hellen Keller (except without the whole going blind thing). The doc gave me two big bottles of horse pills and said take these twice a day and you'll be better in no time. We shall see.

So it's safe to say I won't be getting to see the love of my life or the love of my best friend's life play with their respective bands a la noche. For shame. Because I actually feel better. I just can't hear a damn thing.

And P's trying to talk me into tying one on while we're out on the town this weekend. I'm trying to remember what happened the last time I mixed antibiotics and alcohol. I'm sure it wasn't good. I think that was the infamous night my mother saw me drunk for the first time. You know, the whole running forehead first into my closed bedroom door incident.

Oh well. At least I have someone to take care of me this time. :)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

So now i totally get what it feels like to get stabbed in the ears. Take all the sinus pressure already on my eardrums and multiply that by like a thousand. And that's what happens when you get on an airplane. I still can't hear myself. Except for breathing. It's all Darth Vader in my head.

And as for the kids thing, I'm officially saying it, the babies can wait.

Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm pretty sure you don't have any interest in what I'm doing at work today, so I won't tell you how I'm writing court reports and fighting with state office about making room for one of my kids in a group home...

Anyway, I think I'm getting sick. I'm crossing my fingers that it's not the flu or something. I felt fine til P kissed me goodbye yesterday. My throat started hurting on the way home. And the rest of my body is happily following. The weekend was rainy and kinda ruined our plans. We were all geared up to go camping, but settled for a day in the city instead playing games, watching movies, and going out to eat with the kiddos. We watched lots of movies. Finally got to see SAW II. Frreeeaaakky. P couldn't even watch it. He buried his head in the pillow a couple of times, then just gave up and left the room. He did pretty well at When a Stranger Calls, but when I got home last night I got a phone call saying differently. All alone in the dark. In a storm. And we watched TWO scary movies this weekend!! Who knew such a big dude could get scared. :)

Well, this is gonna be a looong week. Gotta fly a kid to Houston and come straight back on Wednesday. Court all day Thursday and god knows what on Friday. May have to take a kid to a new home in McAlester that is like 3 million miles away. And the boys are playing in Amarillo on Friday night. That's half way to Santa Fe, people. We'll see if I make the show.

Anyway, I think it's time for lunch. Yeah. Be back in a couple hours.

Friday, March 17, 2006

A post from two Saint Patty's Days ago for ya:

Happy Maewyn Succat's Day!

Just a little history for your asses. Maewyn Succat was St. Patrick's pagan name. St. Germaine, Bishop of Auxerre, decided Maewyn needed a Christian name if he was going to drive the heathens out of Ireland. So Mr. Maewyn obliged and went on his way converting the god-forsaken people of Ireland. He used the leaves of the Shamrock to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity. It is said that he drove all of the snakes out of Ireland. The snake is the historically accepted metaphor for pagan people, thus symbolizing that St. Patrick drove the devil out of Ireland. And to celebrate his accomplishments, we wear green and get drunk off our asses in appreciation of his spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Ireland.

Here here! A toast to Maewyn Succat!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Couldn't resist. It's Jesus Christ: The Musical.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Well, THIS ought to keep me occupied for hours...

Monday, March 13, 2006

RCPM in Lawton April 7th, Stilly the 8th, Tulsa the 9th!!!!!

Put 911 on speed dial!!
PERFECT weekend. :) So much fun!

Friday night, P rolled into town around 8 and we had dinner at Rococo. Interesting place. Had lobster and it was yummmmmmmmy. Bright pink Gerbera Daisies on every table. It made me smile.

Then we hit the 10:50 showing of The Libertine which, in my opinion, is at very best a renter. I was sadly disappointed. We left before the movie was over because both of us were falling asleep on the top row. Then we went home and the real show started. *giggles*

Saturday we spent most of the day shopping. It's funny, we spend a lot of our time shopping and it's never for me. :) We picked up some shoes, some new khakis and a polo shirt for graduation. He was having a little anxiety about the whole what do I wear to meet your mother thing, so we just went ahead and took care of it. We ate lunch outside at the Charcoal Broiler which was FABULOUS, as always. And then we took a trip down to 23rd Street Body Piercing where I watched a dude with bolts in his eyebrows stab thick, sharp pieces of metal through my boyfriend's nipples. It was HOT. I thought he was going to pass out from the pain, but he managed. And now he's officially a freak. And I love it!!

Then we hit the road for Duncan and the freak show there. There is just a whole different breed of females who come from small towns in Oklahoma. Reminds me of Chainsaw Massacre-ish kindsa chicks. Anyway, it was a great show and we ALL had entirely too much to drink. Made it home OK and passed out around 5 a.m.

Sunday we slept in, went out for lunch, more shopping, nap, and then dinner outside at Louie's on the lake. All in all it was an absolutely perfect weekend and I can't wait until the time neither of us have to leave on Sunday. I live for that day.

Have a happy Monday!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Good morning boys and girls. It's slightly past midnight on Thursday night/Friday morning... which makes me want to break into Tori Amos song...

5 a.m. Friday morning, Thursday night, far from sleep...

Except mine is a much happier story. But God bless Tori Amos. She is one of the loves of my life for sure. And anybody who ever wishes to even aspire to write a "feeling" song should take lessons from her. And that's all I'll say.

Damn. Another underwire gone bad. I'm gonna have to start investing some major money in lingerie apparently. Fuck boobs.

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah. Got to spend some QT with Maroline, Ryin, and Jenny tonight. So that was a good time. Ryin intro'd me to the N drink. Please clarify, sir. Never quite got it. Bites your tongue, but feels soooo good going down.

And on THAT note... :) the love of my life will be rolling into town a la noche! And despite the begging on the part of several of mis compadres, we'll be staying in the 405 this weekend. I haven't had a weekend at home since New Year's. And it's time. My sanity's at stake. Trust me. I love Copeland as much as the next pothead... errr... person... and there's enough to go around.

Anywho, I should probably finish my Quesa Pizza from Mazzios and hit the hay.

I love you all and happy Friday!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Spring break came early for little Daisy Girl! Boss is out for the next two days. It was so nice to have a night to just chill out at home last night. And it was the best feeling to wake up at 2 a.m. and hear the rain. It's nice to have a cool day again...

My goal for the next two days is to get either a manicure or a pedicure or both. I think that's a worthy goal. I need to go shopping too. It's that time of year. And I'm looking in my closet thinking, what did I wear last year? Because I have nothing short sleeved in my closet. It's strange.

So shopping, mani/pedi, and my beautiful, wonderful love of my life this weekend. I can't imagine anything better. It's like all the best things in life. Have a good one!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Originally uploaded by Daisy Girl.

Thanks to whomever did the beautiful artwork on my car, I'm assuming in the early hours of the morning. :)

And yes, I am a SEXY LADY!!! :)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hola. Como estas.

I read an entire poster in Spanish in the Lawton DHS office today. I was proud of myself. It said (in Spanish) "If you do not speak or understand English, please communicate with the receptionist and an interpreter will be provided for you." Here's hoping the receptionist speaks espanol.

Anyway, I feel pretty good about my life today. Actually got the resume updated and sent off to a pretty cool place in Dallas last night. We'll see if they call. And yesterday I decided I'm going to walk at graduation. You're all invited. It's Friday night, May 12th, 7 p.m. Memorial Stadium. Katie Couric is speaking. And it looks like the friends and fam will be going out to dinner afterwards, then the really party starts.

So I feel like I have a few things to look forward to. This is a must have in my life.

Hope your Tuesday was successful.

I'm horny.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Happy Monday morning.

Man, what a weekend. It started Thursday night when Maroline, her husband, and I went to see Final Destination 3. All in all, it lived up to the first two, actually better than the second, I thought. Maroline screamed like a little girl and then we'd laugh at ourselves for getting so scared and jumpy. Friday was an easy breezy day at work, so that was nice for a change. Then Friday night we all headed out for the big show. I was so happy Tanisha got to come with me. She's so much fun. And I had no idea she could keep up with me and the alcohol. I've finally met my match. Did a little after the show dancing with Ms. Diaz for the last time. And while I'm sad about that, I'm stoked for her getting to move to one of the most beautiful places in the world and having her whole life ahead of her to do whatever she damn well pleases. Then P and I headed for IHOP mostly just to ward off the sickness that was waiting for me if I went home, laid down, and closed my eyes. So like two eggs and a sausage link later we headed home and hit the hay.

Saturday it was Del Rancho and shopping for more new rock star jeans, which he's affectionately named his Fag Jeans. But he looks hot in them still. Picked up some new snazzy shoes too. We stopped by the guitar store to say hola to the Pops then headed back to V Town. The show that night was kinda dead. It was ok, but I was so tired and had taken so many muscle relaxers (for ACK! cramps!) that even after a trillion crown and cokes and red headed sluts (thank you Shelby) I wasn't even buzzed. I just kept getting more and more tired and thinking... I'm exhausted. In a bar. In Vernon, TX. My 500 thread count sheets back in OKC were sounding better and better every minute.

Anyway, Sunday was kind of a tough day. Did some heavy thinking (again) about what in the hell is going on in my life and finally around 11 p.m. last night we started talking about it. There's a reason guys in bands don't have great relationships. There's a reason married dudes with small children end up dating Sheryl Crow once they make it big. There's a reason wives get tired of raising kids alone and end up leaving. How are we going to be any different? That's a pretty big question. And that's not the only one.

Up until this point in my life, I've had some great things going on. I've been very focused on what I'm passionate about, what I want to do with my life, and just doing it. Wanna write? Good. Go to school, get an English Lit degree. Done. Wanna have a job where you are helping people every day? Good. Volunteer. Get a job at a non-profit. Become Director. Done. Want another degree to help you make more money while you're helping people? Good. Two months and another one down. Want to get out of this state?? Go.

Except it's more complicated now. I've got a whole other person's life (and it's a pretty eventful life) to factor into the equation now. So what we accomplished last night is that we're in. Take it as it comes, I guess. Deal with it when it gets here. You can't plan for something you don't know. You live your lives individually and work like hell to make it work together. We haven't found that happy medium yet. But we're trying. And as long as we're both committed to trying and not giving up, and we are, I think we'll make it.

It'll at least be interesting to look back on a few years from now. Anyway, I should probably get back to work. Have a happy Monday and I'll catch ya on the flipper, skipper!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Somebody's gotta link it...

This night kicked ass. Watch the video.

And it's back to drinkin' again!
mushy gushy sweetie peetie muah muah hoo ha!

i miss my boyfriend. he broke ANOTHER phone this week so our communication has been somewhat limited and i feel like i've been living without him for a week. so don't mind me drooling and gushing at the side of the stage tonight.

oh shit i've got a staple stuck in my teeth. dammit, office supplies.

anyway, tonight's my girl, nic's, last night on the town in the 405. i think i'm gonna cry. we have so much more to share, but at least this gives me an excuse to hop on a plane to the west coast... as if i need one. but we're gonna take her out with a bang. and red bull. and vodka. so i officially wanna say i love my girl. and one of our best qualities is that WE ARE NOT CUUUUNNNNTTTTRRRRY!! :) haha.

i love you baby doll, and the party's on tonight. i'll also have two of my work friends in tow. funtimes. see ya there!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Happy HAPPY birthday to Ryin and Whitney!!!

Have a good one! :)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Texas Jack: MARH 3rd!

Am I creative enough to write the date in on a poster? Hell, I'm creative enough to write the date on the poster where people will look at it and go goddamn that's intense. We should see these guys.

Unless I'm drunk.

Then it ends up looking like "MARcH 3rd! :)" Literally.

Anyway, watched the preview for season 6 of the Soprano's tonight and all I have to say is baby you either need to get HBO or I need my Sunday nights back.

They said, It's like a great lover. You never know what's gonna happen next and you always love it when it comes back.

Hell yes. Good times.
Well, that was an adventure. Pulled the old PC out of the closet to try to hook it up to get my old resume off of it. Somebody sing it... mmeeemmmories...

The last time I used that computer was before I moved out of my old apartment on 23rd. Man, I miss that place. If those walls could talk. Many a good time was had in that teeny tiny little space in the hood. It's kinda cool to think back on that time in my life... when everything seemed to be going perfectly and anything was possible. Just that overall feeling of life is cool-ness. Made lots of new friends in that apartment. Did lots of scandalous things in that apartment. Was scared a lot in that apartment... what with the gang graffiti and all.

I like my little house I'm living in now, but that tiny apartment was so much fun. In three steps you had your choice of bathroom, living room, bedroom, dining room, and the counter I called the kitchen. Whoda thought you could buy happiness for $335 a month. And that came with a handy man who liked to come up and talk to me about what he was learning on the History Channel. No worries then. Just going to school in the morning, waxing philosophical about dreams and poetry, and beeboppin into work when I felt like it in the afternoons.

Now everything's all grown up and I have to be responsible. It's bills bills bills and deadlines. And big decisions. Such is life. Anyway, just reminiscing about the old place. If you've been there, you know. Fun times. ;)
Comps are DONE!!!!

Next stop, Graduation!
It's weird the turns things take in life. You plan and plan and plan. And then when it's upon you it's a whole different ballgame. If I can make it through the next few months with my sanity and all the people I love in tact, I'm pretty sure I can make it through anything.

And it's funny how sometimes you think about people you've been with in the past, and at the time it was the most intense thing in the world. And you think there's no way I'll ever completely lose all my feelings for him. And then you do. And it's weird because you realize how fickle we are and how much work it's gonna take to actually stay in love FOREVER.

Anyways, enough waxing introspective. Gotta drop something off at the WD tonight... if anybody's there I may stay to partake in some frosty beverages. If not, I'll go home and finish laundry.

Happy humping!