I have to say, my first reaction is to say goodbye and good riddance. But once I quiet down my bitter side, I really do have a lot of good memories in this place (which is good since I have twenty years in Oklahoma under my belt now).
I have plenty of bad memories too, but that's life. The good ones are the ones to look back on. Like Land Run day in 4th grade, where we got to go to Ray Trent Park and stake our claims for ourselves and our families. Like the high school play Whitney and I tried out for and got cast in in SIXTH grade. It was our crowning jewel. We really WERE more talented and artistic than anyone else in the world! Junior high brought a slew of ballgames and cheerleading practices. And I will never forget dad having a permanent place on the first bleacher at 7th grade football games to whisper to the squad when we changed from defense to offense to help us know which cheer to do. I made some of my lifetime best friends in high school. We spent all of our time maintaining the top of the food chain in the youth group and being completely exempt from all the rules because I was the preacher's kid.
The college years presented a very difficult challenge for a few years, but the growing years are always awkward and uncomfortable. Luckily, I emerged mostly unscathed and with two college degrees in tact. Unbelievable.
So Oklahoma has been home for me. It's where my friends live, it's where I had my first kiss (and first everything else), it's where my parent's divorced and got remarried, it's where my sister moved away from. It's where I've had my heart broken over and over again, and where I found my greatest love. It's where I tried to make it on my own and had to move back home again, and where I finally learned what it was to stand on my own and carve my niche in the world.
So I carry all of that with me back to the state from whence I came. I'm hoping the past does not, in fact, determine the future, because most of my memories from living in Texas involve me sitting in fire ant piles. I'd say my situation has greatly improved.
I've never had to say a goodbye this big before, so I don't think I will. I think I'll take a deep breath, go home, finish packing, load up, move, and start getting the guest bedroom ready for all the friends who'll be coming to visit.